Chapter XI

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter deals with heavy topics. May pull at your heart strings.

L.A. Court
8:45 Wednesday
Shawn's POV

We walked back in and Beyoncé is visibly upset. The last 45 minuets have been hell. I asked Ty Ty to go through the security footage over the past 3 days and see if he sees anything. He said he'd try and send it over.

Waiting those excruciating 30 minutes which felt like days, were the hardest. Luckily he did in time and we went through and what we found proved my innocence.

We were called back and to my surprise the opposing side looked uneasy. Just the confidence we needed. The judge took the large seat and began the trial once again.

"Alright welcome back, Mr. Chesnut the evidence please."

They handed the guard the envelope and she went through them. Countless number of photos were in the envelope, and I don't remember any of them.

"Mr. Carter, do you have anything to say about these?"

Annalise spoke up for me instead, "Your honor we have proof that proves these are indeed false allegations."

"Please present them."

She walked over to the presentation board with confidence written all over her.

"The security footage from two nights ago show a mysterious woman messing with drinks that belong to Mr. Carter's private studio booth. To the court she may seem as though she may be cleaning up until she throws away a packet. So then let's fast forward to last night. You'll also see Vivica which lines up with her story. However, what doesn't line up is the woman she is with. The same woman who was messing with his drinks."

"I see. Jury please disregard Mr. and Mrs. Chesnut's allegation and evidence. Annalise please carry on to why the Carters should be granted gaurdianship."

I felt Beyoncé grab my hand. Which I knew was her gesture of apologizing. Which I don't blame her for but damn I hate that she feels like I'd still possibly cheat.

Annalise nodded and stated the points we stated earlier. Including what happened to the girls and how we found them. At her closing points Annalise put Morris on the stand.

"Mr. Chesnut do you have a good relationship with the triplets?"

"I feel as though we do."

"Interesting, May I play you their statements?"

He hesitated but nodded his head yes and looked away from Annalise. As she walked away from him to get the tape he turned his attention to me giving me a deathly glare. Annalise picked up the voice recorder and handed a paper copy of the statements to the judge.

"Very well let's start with the oldest."

She played Siyenna's and showed the pictures of the bruises, marks, and scars.

"I've felt uncomfortable with Morris from the first day we met him. I try to keep him from hurting my sisters by taking the blame for them. Sometimes it works. I just don't understand why he has to be so evil."

Then Símya's.

"He's so mean and hateful. He hurts us and Mrs.Vivica. Even though I don't like him I hope he gets help."

Lastly Sízyire's and her's broke my heart. She was terrified to speak about this when we tried to get her statement. So we didn't press her about it but she chose at the last minute that she wanted to help and make a statement.

She endured the worst treatment from him so it makes since why she didn't want to speak.

The recording played and I could hear her shaky voice and low sniffles.

"He hurts my heart, he touches me when I say no, gets angry when I do things wrong, gets angry when we do things right. You can't win with him. If it wasn't for Mommy and Papa, I don't know where we'd be."

She stopped the recording and everyone's eyes were filled with tears, especially mine. They say men don't cry but when you hear this from a child especially one you're close to you feel two strong emotions rage and saddness.

"No further questions. As you can see your honor, the only person that should be denied guardianship is Mr.Chesnut. We'd also like to press charges, restraining order, and file for arrest."

"Mr. Chesnut please take a seat. As the jury takes a minute to deliberate Mr. and Mrs. Chesnut is to stay in here until the verdict is given."

Hopefully they make the right decision with the evidence we have. All I know is if the law doesn't get him I will.

We must've waited no more than 10 minuets before they came back out. The took their seats and the police officer gave Judge Toller the verdict.

"In the case of of Mr. and Mrs. Carter being granted legal guardianship the jury grants Mr. and Mrs. Carter with full custody. The restraining order will be granted against both Mr. and Mrs. Chesnut. And Mr. Chesnut will be in police custody to be further processed, no bail. Court dismissed."

I hugged Beyoncé and then hugged Annalise. This was draining emotionally, mentally, and physically.

But now we get to leave this court room with 3 permanent additions to the family and a child predator locked away.

We all drove off to Mama T's house and met the family in the living room. Everyone was there from Mama T to my mom, Kelly, Solange, Michelle and their husbands and kids.

We walked in and they all looked at us. Blue spoke first.

"So.... is it official?"

I looked at Bey, wanting her to announce it. She held my hand tightly and smiled.

"I would like to introduce the family to our permanent additions to the family Siyenna, Símya, and Sízyire Carter!"

Everyone cheered. You could just feel the love radiating through the room.


This chapter was kinda short but just wanted to get it out show I can make a time jump soon.

Btw Murry Christmas 🎁 🎄

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