Chapter VI

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Adoption Center
12:30 P.M. Wednesday
Beyoncé's POV

I looked at the woman and then at Shawn. He looked speechless. This woman is the same lady from when we went to the grocery store.

"Yes Vivica. Beyoncé, Shawn, your Husband and I just started. You and your husband voiced your concern about Beyoncé and Shawn adopting."

"Yes, we feel they are unfit for three more kids, especially young ones."

"You two only have one reason and that is that we are working parents. I don't see how that's a problem because we make it home in time for dinner, if not than before they get off from school."

Shawn interjected "Look if you don't want to sign off, we can take this to court."

I inwardly smirked. We have the best lawyers so if they want to take it to court, than fine. This make Morris's arrest so much easier too.

They looked at each other, unsure of what they wanted to do.

"I'm sorry but I just don't think they are fit."

I rolled my eyes "Fine then we'll take them to court."

"Honestly, I don't think that's needed. Ms. Union, I thought you said that if we don't approve, they can't adopt."

"No Vivica, I said it can go that way but if they want to become their legal guardians even though you deny them they can take to you to court. "

"So they get get to kept them for the time being?" Vivica asked.

"Yes, I'm granting them temporary guardianship" I smiled "but I need some proof. You mentioned they see a therapist? Do you have any of the records of them mentioning abuse, neglect, etc.? Or any pictures of the way they found after?"

I stood up and nodded "Yes I can't act their therapist right now and have that sent over." I can see the worry in Morris's and Vivica's face. I hope they get the Maximus sentence. I texted my therapist and it was sent in less than 5 minutes.

Ms. Union read only a few of it before she took of her glasses, sighed and said"Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Carter I'm granting you temporary guardianship. Please keep all records of everything they are alleging. And as for you Mr. and Mrs. Chestnut I suggest you lawyer up."

"And it seems as though that's what we'll have to do because I'm not leaving those girls with you two. Come on Shawn."

I reached for the door and stepped out looking for the room that we left them in with Shawn following close behind. When I found it and we saw the girls playing dolls and attempting to sing 'let it go'.

We watched them goof around a bit until Símya spotted me causing Siyenna and Sízyire to run to us.


"Hi my babies, you ready to go?"

"Yes but can you take me to the restroom?" Símya asked.

"Of course, come on princess."

As Shawn waited with Sízyire and Siyenna, Símya and I made our way to the closest bathroom.

I let her handle her buisness waiting outside the stall by the sink. I heard a stall open and out walked the devil's wife herself.

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