Chapter XIII

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Main Event
5:45 P.M. Friday
Blue's POV

I rushed to leave the bathroom, but she stepped in my way.



"Move Now!" I growled.

She laughed at me walking forward.

"Or what. Your security isn't here. Neither are your parents or siblings. The only person with you is your boyfriend, and I bet you he's talking to some broad."

She stopped once my back hit the wall. I was low key scared of her but if there's anything my dad taught me. It's to never show fear.

"Why are you here, and what do you want?"

"I just need you to be a warning shot to your mom and dad... and possibly the triplets."

I squinted my eyes at the woman I so deeply disliked almost hated.

"Aren't you like 65, you're endangering your health by worrying about us. Just get a life already."

"I'm only 30 honey"

I giggled, "could've fooled me." I saw switch flicker in her brain. She grabbed my wrist to the point I could feel a bruise start to form. I struggled to pull away but this woman's grip is wild.

"Ok let's cut the chitchat. I need you to tell your mom I'm back and watching... always watching."

"Why can't you just tell her yourself? Why you gotta bug my day? Plus don't you wanna go unseen?"

She smiled, running her hand across my face. I tried to push her off but she pinned me on wall.

"You know you're beautiful, as beautiful as your mom even. It would be such a pity if something happened to you?"

I scrunched my face in disgust. "Is that a threat?"

"I mean you can take it that way. But I see it as a possibility."

My nose flared wanting to beat her ass.
She let go finally walked out. I looked in the mirror and my wrist was so messed up. I sighed and fixed my self up.


Carter's Residence
6:00 P.M. Friday
Beyoncé's POV

I was finally done cooking when I heard the kids becoming rowdy.

"Are y'all done with your homework?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright come and eat you guys."

They all rushed in to help set the table. Shawn came over and gave me a kiss.

"Hey baby have you seen Blue?"

My face twitched "no she's out running?"

"Oh that's unusual. Usually she works out with a buddy."

"I guess she's upset about not being able to go out with Bryan."

There was silence before Shawn squinted his eyes. "You sure she went to work out by herself?"

"Yeah I told her to ask you and to bring Julius and you know how she is about that so decided not to go."

"But are you sure she went out to run?"

"Yes, she wouldn't lie."

"Mhm but she getting older and you know what that's like. Remember how we were."

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