I'm Obsessed With Harry Potter

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So I never was into Harry Potter until my sisters got loud about their obsession. So I decided to figure out what it was.Then a few months ago I downloaded the Hogwarts Mystery game and became obsessed. Then recently I realized I should read the books. Currently on on book #3. It's been amazing so far and I'm excited to finish.

So here's my info:

-I'm a Hufflepuff

-My patronus is a Dun Stallion

-My wand is Ash wood with a dragon heartstring core, 10 1/2 inches and brittle flexibility.

-My ilvermorny house is Pukwudgie

If you wanna find out your info... go to www.my.pottermore.com to discover what you are. They also have quizzes to test your knowledge, a page to join the HP book club (I already signed up *wink*), info about the Broadway and West End play: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child info about anything you wanna know or may have forgotten, and a shop for all your book-nerd needs (I'm a booknerd too so don't think I'm saying that in a jerk way). So visit pottermore.com to discover all things Harry Potter.

(By the way, this isn't sponsored so I'm sorry if it sounded like it was. But... Pottermore... *wink wink* I'm here)

(I also have a HP roleplay if anyone's interested)

Okay, bye y'all!

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