Cockroach Has Me Shook

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So um... I when I'm left alone... I dance around  like a weirdo to Mean Girls. So I was doing that and when I turn around to walk into my kitchen, a HUGE cockroach scurries by. I scream and run into the kitchen to call my mom. I tell her and she's like "hit it!" But I told her I didn't know where it is. So I try to scare it out into the opening but now it's stuck under the couch. I tried playing those high-pitch frequency things and idk if it scurried off when I wasn't looking. So now I'm legit scared. My cat's probably scared out of her mind. So I call my mom back and she's like "just go to bed and I'll handle it when I get home." But I'm scared to go to my room so right now I am currently sitting on my kitchen counter, scared it's gonna kill me.
Btw: I told my mom "I don't want Lyme disease" and she probably facepalmed. Then she told me it's not a tick and then I went on about we don't know what these cockroaches have been through. Then I said "It could have herpes for all we know." Then after I get off the phone again with my mom, she didn't say she loved me so I sent this to my sister who is with my parents:

" Then after I get off the phone again with my mom, she didn't say she loved me so I sent this to my sister who is with my parents:

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I get nervous when I'm around bugs. One managed to get on my hand when I was at a friend's house and I still haven't recovered.

So yeah... again, I'm sitting on my counter writing this:

I know this isn't theater related but it helps you get to know me

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I know this isn't theater related but it helps you get to know me. So: I don't like bugs AT ALL.

Bye y'all.

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