Songs I highly relate to

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So I know this has become not theatre related but who cares? So anywho, these are songs that are relate to. Also this is gonna kind of be a way to vent so be prepared (lion king reference!) because I'm going to swear a lot.

1. Honestly/Honestly (Encore) by Gabbie Hanna

This song was written because she dated a pathelogical liar but she's even said that you can relate to it if you've even been manipulated by a narcissist, which I have. I know I talk about being bullied and manipulated a lot, but I'm not sorry. All I'm saying is that it wasn't okay and I would come home crying every day after school because of this person and like how Gabbie says she questioned her sanity, I did. And in the encore, the lyrics: "turns out I'm your favorite thing to discuss," this person was constantly talking shit about me and they may deny it, but they sure as hell did. Also, the lyric in Honestly that say: "Don't trust you, but who's to blame?" I even told them that I don't trust them after what they did and they flipped it around on me. The point I'm trying to make is that I'm the one that doesn't trust them, but it's their fault I have a reason not to.

2. I'd Rather Be Me by Barrett Wilbert Weed (the queen herself)

In the first lyric: "So your best friend screwed you over acted nice when she's not nice. Well, I have some advice 'cause it's happened to me... twice." I already relate. This person was my best friend and they completely screwed me over and show their true colors. And they've done it more than twice. And the line: "I won't twist in knots to join your game" it's saying that I won't let what they do affect me. Of course that wasn't the case until now, but still. Then the lyric: "So I will not act all innocent I won't fake apologize." I'm not going to be all innocent like I'm a victim, and I also won't apologize for calling them out on their bullshit. And the title line: I'd rather be me than be with you." They always were a bitch about my love for musicals and I would be like 'screw you bitch' but I would rather do what I love than feeling miserable around them.

3. F You by Lily Allen

So this song is pretty self explanitory. It says: "Please don't stay in touch." So this person has been trying every possible way to talk to me to be the bitch I know they are. They've sent a text to my friend who said she wasn't taking sides and told her to give it me, they've tried to follow me on everything, including wattpad, Instagram, which I blocked them on, but they're so damn persistant.

4. I Didn't Plan It by Keala Settle

So all I'll say about this one is, I said some things I probably shouldn't have, but don't try to play the victim or like you're innocent. They did that and it was such bullshit I couldn't wrap my head around how stupid it was.

So there it is. I know it was short but I needed to but that out there. To the narc, see you in hell! Anyways, I hope some also relate to these. Bye y'all!

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