Chapter 50: End

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"Daddy! Look, look! Isn't this so cool!" I watched as Kororu, my youngest son, lept from tree to tree in a large circlem the first thing he had learned from his first day in the academy. His childlike wonder couldn't be matched, he was just to proud of himself, like this was the most amazing thing in the world to him. But I smiled and cheered with him, wanting to add to his excitment every bit that I could.

Kororu was knocked down by his older brother, my eldest, Gonta, in a game of pinned ya. Gonta is only a year older, and not that much bigger, so it was actually a pretty fair game. They wrestled around as I cheered for both of them, and laughed when Gonta eventually wound up on top. It was like a vision of happiness in it's purest form to me. My boys... the youngest looks so much like his mom, but Gonta is the spitting image of myself, if not for the sunshine eyes.

And speaking of the sunshine, it warmed my face as I sat on the porch and watched the boys run around the yard and play. At five and six, you still have to watch them, just a little, to make sure nothing goes horribly wrong. A tray clinked behind me just before the door closed. Charlie, my most beautiful wife, mother of my children, the most important person in my world, stood with a smile and a tray with lemonade in her hands.

"Having fun?" She asked, her long blue hair lifting with the wind. How I ever once believed she was a man is beyond me. Her beauty, even after eight years of being married, ten years of knowing her, is still so captivating, so breath taking to me, it's rediculose. Charlie leaned down and kissed me lightly before calling attention to our children, pulling them away from their game for only a moment to give them something to drink..

She sat the tray down and sat next to me, finding the game as entertaining as I did. But soon the sun went down and the boys had to be tucked into bed. School nights can sometimes be a nightmare. But Charlie is very... firm... so generally it gets taken care of with a disheartened/frightened 'yes ma'am.' After both boys had been put to bed, Charlie sprawled across our bed in exhaustion and sighed deeply, closing her eyes and curlling up under the covers.

I laughed and snuck under the covers with her, finding her tiny body and holding it close to me. She smiled and breathed deeply, hitting the light and going to sleep almost instantly.

In the morning, I was very careful not to wake Charlie or the boys as I dressed and got ready to go to work. My fingers played across the worn stiching of my cloak, the intracet flame pattern on the bottom, 'Sixth Hokage' spelled across the back. I wear this cloak everyday. It's the same one Charlie made for me when I was still going through the exam, a newer stitch here and there as a repair, but all in all, the same one. It means so much to me.

My eyes scaned the house as I walked down the road. Everything from the start was in a little appartment, but now, everything is in this beautiful home, a small garden out back, fresh paint on everything, a perfect clean look. My smile couldn't be contained. At the office, I was greated by a soft, short body running into me and hugging me.

"Good morning Uncle Naruto!" Isa yelled. Her brown currly hair framed her face perfectly as she smiled ear to ear up at me.

"Isa!" Hirari scolded from behind her desk. She slunk off like a dog who had just been yelled at and sat on the corner of her mother's desk. After the exams I had extended an offer to Hirari to be my cheif elder. It's a possition very rewarding for someone with Her abilities. And because of the job I gave her, her and Isa have been able to live comfortably. In fact, every year, they both spend Christmas with us.

Isa is a true doll of a kid. She attends the academy with my boys, but she's in a higher class. Actually if I remember correctly, she only has one year left until her graduation test. Iruka is her teacher, which is cool, becuase I get to throw him for a loop by teaching Isa some of my old tricks. Can you say blast through the past? And I don't mean in a good way.

The paperwork was done in no time flat and then I turnned to look out my window, where down below. the academy kids were practicing. I watched as my own boys stood side by side and watched a demonstration from their teacher. Gonta was the first to try it. With a breath and a charge, he failed at his attempt and fell to the ground. Kororu ran to him screaming and helpped him sit up, hugging his brother when it was confirmed that he was indeed okay.

There was a knock at my door and Charlie walked in with lunch. She joned me at the window andlooked at our children as they learned and played, enjoying their time. "They never fight, it must be a blessing for that teacher." Charlie said. I nodded and took her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over it several times. Life was so calm now, so peacful. It was filled with a true joy that for the longest time I had never known. It my success is all due to the fact that someone, a beautiful, smart, true to herself woman, had looked at me and decided to help me, to teach me to love.

Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن