Chapter 44: Entrance

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This is the day. The first day of the test to become Hokage. I stood at Charlies bed side, nevously fidgitting as I thought about the test. One more hour before I have to leave. And then I'll be gone for three days... I hope Hinata takes good care of her... She put another stitch in the white cloth in her lap and sighed. "Calm down Naruto."

"Easier said than done!"

Charlie slapped her hands down on the cloth and looked at me with a sever stare. "What are you freaking out over?!"

"Oh jee, maybe the fact that I'm about to start the tests to become Hokage and I'm not the only one, I'm not that strong or smart-"

"Stop!" I shut up right then, not liking the tone she used. To be totally honest, it scared the crap out of me. She doesn't raise her voice that often, so when she does you know you did something wrong. CHarlie rubbed her temple gently and slowly before looking up again. "Okay. Solve this problem. If |X+3|>-7 what is X?"

"What? What are you talking about, you know a negative can never be an absolute value." Is the fever getting to her?

"What is the final stage of mitosis?"

She asked me four questions in total, including the deffinition of a Gerund and what the Battle of Antidem is desscribed as. All of which I answered with no problem but continued to grow more worried about my beautiful girlfriend. But I watched as she just smiled lightly and looked back down at her stitching, working with the thread and cloth. "Do you remember the first day I started teaching you? I asked you four questions, one for each subject to see where you were academically. You weren't able to tell me a single answer." She looked back up at me again. "Those are the same questions I asked you that day. Every answer was fast, confidant, an most importantly, correct. You are so smart Naruto. And you don't even know it. You know what you're doing. Have confidance in yourself. I do."

Charlie... she's so good. I watched her continue to sew the cloth. She said she needed something to do while sick in bed, and she had always wanted to try sewing. It's a jacket of some form, with a high coller. She said it's an over jacket that doesn't close. Why not? Well... because she can't for the life of her sew on a button and make it stay.

Watching the needle go in and out really was kind of relaxing. The sleeves were short and I watched as she started to sew strips of red to the bottom. But by that time, I had to leave for the test. She smiled at me once more, giving me a kiss, and simply stated: "Confidence."

The walk to the testing area seemed to take a lot long than it really was. But I blame my nerves. Confidence she says... Maybe it won't be as bad as I think. Come on man! Puff out your chest! This is your dream your talking about here! This is your chance to prove to everyone that it wasn't just talk! I love my pep talks!

The room had five other people, four guys and one girl. It was nerve racking being there, but I had to stay strong! "Alright! Lets get this party started!" The proctor was a fairly large man who introduced himself as Haro Nakotai. "Each one of you have been recomended for the tital of Hokage. Takuma Izago, Kenchi Asano, Naruto Uzumaki- wait, Naruto?" I waved at him but he looked at me in disbelief before shaking his head and continueing. "Anyway, Yorosha Haso, Kaito Fukama, and Hirari Hatsune. This isn't going to be a picknick kiddies. This is a three day long battle between you six and our jounin. If you are deffeated, you will be sent home. There are provisions in random area's of the training ground."

Every rule was pretty standard. Each one of us recieved a backpack full of items and we lined up. I was on the end, with Hirari next to me. She looked super determined, very focused. And I could completely understand her feelings. We were set free at the sound of  a bell and the kunai flew. My heart beat wildly as I held a ninja back, my arms burned from the exurstion, but I pushed and pushed, finally getting the man away and on the ground where someone elses kunai pinned him. I looked over and saw Hirari, giving me a lazy salute and then going back to pumbble several ninja.

It took several hours before the attacks finally slowed down. But they didn't slow down much. Yorosha had been taken out, wich left five of us left in this inhumain game. It took everything I had to finally get to a safe place off a bit in some underbrush. From there I kept an eye on the fight, watching the other contestants take out ninja and how they did it. This is something Sakura taught me about. Find the strengths, find the weaknesses. But I noticed that no one was working together. Isn't that one of the most important things to remember? Team work?

Hirari bloaked several kunai and hit the ground when a twin shuriken buzzed threw the air. But she hadn't seen them throw another barage of kunai her way. I thought to myself, she helpped me, why don't I help her? I dashed from my spot and knocked away the kunai, throwing some in return.

"Come on, it's slowing down." I lead her away, but she stopped and faced me.

"Why are you helpping me? Is it because i'm the only girl in the competition or something? You wanna be the civalrous hero?" She demanded.

I narrowed my eyes and stood my ground. "My Sensei always told me team work is more important than individual skills alone. Do you want to get to the third day?"

"Of course I do."

"Then team up with me. If there's more of us working together we have a better chance of making it. So what's it gonna be Hirari?" I held out my hand and waited for her to answer. But while I was so focused on Hirari, I didn't see the kunai that was hurtalling strait at my chest. Strait at my heart.

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