Chapter 33: Abaline and Maybael

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We sat in the hospital, Charlie with her head in her hand on the bed looking so tired and upset, and me sitting in the chair near by, worried for her. She had had another seizure earlier today. After so long without even a spasm, we were both pretty freaked out. But the doctor said that since she didn't hit her head this time, it won't take to long to get her checked out and home.

Charlie sniffled and shook her head. It always scared her horribly. She once told me that having a seizure was like being alive and dead at the same time. She described it as she could hear and see everything but she wasn't in controle of her body and couldn't react, only sit staulk still or shake violently. I tried to comfort Charlie by doing stage slaps with a clone, but it didn't really work out.

"Naruto, you don't have to stay here with me. Go home, i'll be there soon." She said.

"I'm not leaving."

"I know you hate the hospital. Just go home."

"I'm not going anywhere Charlie. I'm staying right here with you. Yes I dislike the hospital, but i'm not going to leave you alone."

"Go home! I don't want you to stay just because my stupid brain doesn't work." She looked down and started crying. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into me. Charlie cried and cried, just like after the whole incident with Chigami a few days ago. She was still pretty upset about that too, so this whole thing was not helpping.

"Charlie, I love you. There is no way that I would ever leave you when you are like this. Not after last time..." I said, reffering to the last time Charlie was in the hospital after a seizure. Thank God thats over.

She looked up at me, teary eyed and I smiled. I leaned down to give her a long sweet kiss, just melting under that bliss only she can give me. The softness of her lips are like... I don't know I havn't finished the poetry section! But we kissed long and deep. She tightened her grip on my shirt and made a small pleased sound. We pulled away when someone in the door-way cleared their throat. The girls standing there were both giggling, having caught us being just slightly naughty.

The first one had light blonde hair and dark eyes. The second had darker hair and light eyes. They looked alike which told me they were possibly related.

"What the hell are you two doing here?!" Charlie yelled increadiously. She wasn't angry, but the face she made was funny.

"Poseshchayushchiĭ!" They said together. If my Russian is correct, they said visiting.

"You know i'm getting real tired of all these 'visitors'." Charlie said more to me then the girls. "Naruto, meet the twins. Twins, Naruto."

"Ochin pryetna!" They said.

"I am so confused...." They gave me weird looks and then it seemed to dawn on them that my Russian wasn't very good.

"I'm Abaline, the oldest. And this is Maybael. We're old friends of Charlies." The light haired one said.

"Girls, I may be repeating myself here, but, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Charlie yelled. I smacked my ear to make it pop.

"Kobe told us where you were." Maybael smiled brightly.

"And said you were lonely here." Abaline matched her sisters smiled.

"So we came to visit and bring you home!" The said. I watched as Charlies face darkened and her eye started to twitch. Lets take a vote. Who here who is reading right now thinks that she will have a coniption fit? Who thinks she will punch a hole in the wall that later I had to pay for? WHo thinks she will just lay down and rock slowly back and forth having finally lost it? If you said all three you guessed right.

Charlie's hand flashed out so fast, you couldn't even see it! All you heard was this woosh and then a loud crack. Lucky her hands are small so the hole in the wall wasn't very big. "I AM NOT GOING HOME GOD MOTHERING FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!!!"

A passing nurse poked her head in. "You'll be going home in fifteen minutes! Tone down the drama will you?!" I had to laugh at that. Charlie layed down with her head in my lap and slowly rocked herself back and forth muttering something about a stupid igotistical bitch. Kobe? Most likely....

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