Chapter 10: Festival

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The lights of the festival shined and glittered. Every person in town seemed to be here, young and old alike. Charlie was looking around with a shine to her eyes. Every stand, every food , every game and ride just seemed to catch her eyes. The ukata she had gotten for herself was a deep midnight blue with white summer leaves. Mine was was the same but in orange. :) I love this kid.

The first thing we did was grab something to eat. It took a good half hour before we finally decided on something. Charlie was really excited about being here. I don't think she had much of a chance to go to festivals in her home town.

After dinner, Charlie wanted to go see Hinata at the game stand. It didn't take much to find it. Hinata had just given a little girl a stuffed puppy when we got there.

"Hey Hinata." She said.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, Charlie." Her face got red yet again.

"Hows the game stand going?" I asked.

"Pretty good actually. Neji is pretty good with numbers so he takes care of the money."

"Where is Neji?"

"He went to get something to eat. But he'll be right back. Actually, while he's gone could you guys help me with the money. I'm not very good at math."

"I'll help. But, if I do, can play a game for free?"

She nodded and handed Charlie three darts. "All you have to do is get one bullseye to win a prize."

Charlie threw one and missed epically. She was laughing the entire time she threw the darts. Each one missed but she never once looked disappointed.

"Man, that sucks."

"Hey can I play?!"

Hinata handed medarts and I tossed. The very first one was a bullseye.

"Yay! Good job Naruto!" Hinata and Charlie said. Hinata handed me a stuffed a panda bear. I gave it to Charlie though, not really wanting the thing. When Neji came back he didn't look to happy to see me there. but then again, he never looks happy.

"Hinata, no destractions." He said.

"I asked them to help me with the money while you were gone."

"Well now I'm here and you are unable to perform even the simplest of tasks without destractions. So say goodbye to your friends and get back to work."

"Hey!" Charlie yelled. "You can't talk to her like that!"

"I can talk to my cousin any way I want."

"No you can't. Hinata is a person. Not an object you can just boss around. So if your not going to treat her right then leave."

He looked generally surprised. Hinata was looking at Charlie with such appriciative eyes. People generally don't stick up for her.

"It's eight anyway. Time to close up."

Hinata looked down nervously, playing with the sleeve on her purple kimono. "Thank you for standing up for me Charlie."

"It was my pleasure Hinata. That guy was being such a doosh. Your too nice to be treated like that."

"Um... Well... Uh... W-would... you like too... Spend the rest of the festival with me?" Well thats surprising.

"Um..." Charlie looked at me with a look that plainly said 'what?'. "Sure...?"

They walked off together, arm in arm. I followed them, just wanting to see what they do. This is going to get good. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Yumi was standing there, beautiful in a bright pink kimono, long brown hair pulled back in an arrangment of flowers.

"What are you doing NAruto?"

"Come look. You got to see this." She kneeled down and looked at the 'date'. She laughed and tryed saying something, but was strangled with more laughter.

"It's hallarious! She got pulled into this like a fish on a hook."

"You know Charlies a girl?" Yumi asked

"Yeah, learned it just afew days ago."

Hinata laughed at someting Charlie said and blushed again. Charlie gave her the stuffed panda, hugged her and seemed to thank her for something. They went on afew rides, and played some games. They really seemed to be having fun.

Charlie sat on a bench and and asked Hinata to get her something to drink. She gladly did. "I'm really having fun tonight Charlie."

"Me too. Your really nice Hinata."

"Thank you."

"We should really hang out again sometime. Goodnight." She gave her a hug and walked off. When she found me and Yumi in the bush a large sweat drop appeared."What are you two doing?"

"Nothing." We answered.

"Sure you arn't. Come on. I'm tired."

We left the festival, teasing Charlie about her date the entire time. And we both got slapped for it.

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