Chapter 24: Standing up

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This is it. The final test that will tell who is beeter for Charlie. Neji and I are tied at this point, and primed for the fight. His eyes were set on mine as we waited for the go ahead from Kobe. The weather was warm again. Perfect for this. Perfect for the day that Charlie will be set free from Neji's rein of terror. I refuse to loose today. I can't let him win. I won't let him win. Kobe raised his arms telling us to get ready. looked next to him at Charlie. SHe was biteing her nails and looked very worried. I looked next to her at our friends who looked the same. Everyone was worried about this fight.

Kobe dropped his arms and Neji and I charged at eachother. Kunai struck to make a loud clang, and then they sliced skin on both parties. We punch, we kicked, we cut eachother and everything in between. The fight was intence, and we seemed to be evenly matched. I used a tree to flip over Neji and get behind him. But he was to fast and turnned to counteract my attack. His attempts to hit my chakara points fell short. Mainly because I know that trick and I knew he was going to end up using it.

We fought for what seemed like hours. I used my shadow clones to surrownd him and got in afew good hits. But it didn't last long. Neji sent out a barage of Kunai that caught my legs in some pretty painful areas. Finally it seemed the fight was going in my favor. Neji was once again surrownded by my shadow clones, and I leaped up with the rasengan ready to go. He was right there, in perfect position, but he somehow managed to get out of the way in time. And then, the roles were reversed. He had me right where he wanted me. I didn't have enough time to get away as he sailed at my chest with a kunai in hand.

"STOOOOOP!" CHarlie yelled. She ran out and pushed me to the ground. Neji wound up getting the kunai stuck in the tree. "ENough! This has to stop!"

"Charlie what are you doing?!"Kobe yelled.

"I'm putting an end to this. I should have ended it long ago."

"Let them continue dearest sister. This is the only way they can prove to me which one is better for you."

"They don't have to prove anything to you! I know whose better for me! I don't need you to tell me that. I'm tired of always just keeping my mouth shut around you and doing what ever you want! This contest was a stupid idea from the start and I should have argued with you. You don't own me brother! I'm my own person!"

The guys standing on the side lines all had their jaws on the ground. "Charliesa girl?!" Kiba yelled astonished.

"Yes I am. I took the guise of a boy to save Kobe. But who cares now? Neji, i'm done. Tell Lady Tsunadei i'm a girl. I don't care! Just leave naruto and I alone."

Kobe walked over to Charlie and smacked her hard across the face. SHe looked at him and smacked right back. "I'm not going to sit idell by anymore. I'm standing up for myself. Go home Kobe. Go home to Mama. Tell her S Rozhdestvom."

Kobe's eyes went wide and he turnned. "See you when you get back, Sistra."

Charlie smiled. "See you, Brajh" Kobe walked off. Was he really going to go home? Charlie turnned to our friends and smiled. "Who's bord? I'm ready to play a game."

The guys seemed to snap out of their funk after the mention of a game. I placed my hand on Charlies shoulder. "Should you really be playing games in your current condition?"

"I can do it! I'm not that tired today." It didn't really convince me. "Naruto, i'm fine. Really." So we played a game of soccer with the ball Kiba had tucked away. We even got Neji to play with us. And soon the tension of the days events faded into oblivion. Charlie was free, Kobe was gone, Neji wasn't being a asshat for once, and the world kept turnnin.

Of course the next day, when an AMBU came and told us we had to see the Hokage right away, we prepared ourselves for what we knew was coming.

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