Chapter 3: Yumi

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I watched with my friends as the blue haired nerd fussed over his friend.

"I tried to call you but you never answered. I was so worried Charlie." She said.

"Calm down Yumi."

"Oh my God, your Mom came to my house and thought you were hiding there. She's so pissed! And your brother had another attack the day after you left and Ms. Oshigay is steaming. Thanks a lot by the way. I had to deal with that mess on my own."

"Yumi." Charlie squished her face and smiled. "Calm down. I'll call Mom later on and tell her where I am. You need to tell Hannabi what I'm doing though."

"But I don't know what your doing. Thats the thing."

Charlie leaned down and whispered something to his friend. The girl's eyes bugged and he jaw dropped.

"No... way."

Charlie nodded.

"Oh my God! Why?! Have you lost your damn freaking mind?! Where is your sense Charlie?! Do you realize just how much tro-" Charlie clammped his hand over her mouth.

"Cram it will you!"

"Dude, Charlie. Who's the girl? She your girlfriend?" I teased. They both looked at eachother and pretended to puke.

"Ug. No. Guys this is Yumi Hoshigaki. She's my friend from back home. Yumi, this is Sakura, Sai, and Naruto. Naruto is the one I'm staying with."

"It's nice to meet you all!" Yumi said with a giggle. Sakura mumbeled a hi and Sai nodded.

Charlie continued on to visit with her friend. Aparently Yumi had come to get away from the stress Charlies family and boss was pushing on her. Yumi really seemed like a very happy bubbly person. But I could help the feeling that there was a very dark selfish side that I couldn't see right away. CHarlie explained that back in Iwa, he and Yumi worked together as AD models. There were pretty famous around the nightlife crowd too, which was really cool cause the only semi-famouse people I had ever met were ninja's. Yumi came to talk to me while Chalie called his Mom.

"Ready?" Yumi asked.

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"The explosion." I was a little confussed by what she meant but soon knew exactly what she was talking about. Charlie put the phone to his ear and Yumi made a nose dive for the back of the couch and... "Charlie Luminous White, you are in so much trouble!!!!!!"

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