Chapter 20: Busy

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Charlie walked around the room, applying make-up and fixing her hair, holding different earings up and looking at necklaces. Finally she held up a yellow dress and a blue dress. "Which one?" She asked.
"Yellow." I replyed. She went around again, never once taking a break. "Charlie, you need to rest. I know the medicine is making you tired. Sit down for awhile."
She shook her head. "I can't take any time off. I have to beperfectly ready for when Miss Oshigay arrives. Back to modeling with Yumi! This is my first photo shoot since I came here." She slipped on the dress and cliped a peice of her hair back. "I need you to something very important for me. Hinata and I need to go on a date soon before we fall apart. SO I need you to find a time when I'm free to do that. Also add photo shoot at five to tuesday and thursday. And Monday is dancing with Neji at seven until eight. The doctor called and he wants me to come in for an extra treatment on Friday at four."
I pulled out her scedual and wrote it all down. "That would leave Wensday and Sunday for Hinata. But Charlie, you need time for rest. You're going to push yourself to hard. I mean look at this! It's like i'm your manager!"
She looked down at her heel clad feet. "I have to do this. Hinata and Neji and Yumi are now important to keep up with. Your studies are a biggy, now modeling, and hospital visits, I don't have time for rest."
"But it was the doctors orders! Please Charlie, you're going to make yourself even sicker." I lightly pushed her down onto the couch. "I will force you to rest if I have to."
"Naruto, Neji will be here any moment to take me to the photo shoot."
"I don't care. Stay down and take even a slight moment of rest. Please."
Charlie looked at me with soft eyes and nodded. She leaned back and closed her eyes, and like a candle in strong wind, was out. I'm not exagerating. She literally closed her eyes and passed out. I shifted her so she was laying down and covered her with a blanket. After she was all tucked in I went to sit outside the door.
When Neji, Yumi, and Kobe walked up to get Charlie I told them they had to wait.
"Charlie is exhausted. Let her sleep for awhile longer."
"Come on Uzumaki, move. We need to get going or we're going to be late." Neji said.
"Miss Oshigay will be pissed if we show up without her." Yumi complained.
"God you guys call yourselves her friends? Charlie is in there sleeping right now after being up for seventy-two hours keeping you all happy! And all you care about is getting to the photo shoot on time! Maybe you should think about her health for awhile instead of yourselves!" I was mad. So mad I couldn't even see straight! I walked into the apartment with everyone behind me. "There she is. Go ahead and wake her up. Make her go. But just think about how she might feel for a little bit tonight while you're having fun and she's fighting to stay awake."
I walked back outside and stared at the setting sun. Before long Yumi, Neji, Kobe, and Charlie walked out laughing. "I'll be back by nine Naruto. See you later!" They all walked down the road. I couldn't help but pound my fists down on the railing, causing two large dents in the metel. The apartment has been kept pretty clean since Charlie moved in, but I was just flat out pissed! I threw things, broke a plate, and pretty much made a mess in my tantrum. After awhile I tossed myself on Charlie's bed. How can they do that to her. She just gives and gives, and they all just continue to take without ever considering her needs.
She's too nice for her own good. Charlie needs someone who will make her focus on herself for awhile. And that, obviously. Has to be me. What with Yumi being to much of a bubble brain to do anything, Neji being completly evil, and Kobe now being on Neji's side, Hinata and myself are the only people left. And she's going for her Jounin status right now. I cleaned up my mess and pulled back the blankets on Charlies bed. Then I pulled a nightshirt for her out. She is going to sleep as soon as she gets home.
I sat and watched TV until Charlie and Kobe finally walked in at Nine fifteen. I went right up to Charlie and pulled her into me. She went limp and I carried her to her bed where I pulled off her dress and bra and slipped the nightshirt on her. Then I got a wet wash cloth and washed the make-up of her face. Kobe watched me.
"What did you do to her?" He asked angerly.
"I didn't do anything to her. The minute her head hit my shoulder she passed out from exhaustion! Do you believe me now?!" I whispered furiously.
He glared at me and went to take his medication. I finished getting Charlie into bed and sat down myself to cup of coffee. Kobe layed down on the couch and fell asleep. I'm deffinatly the only one who will help her until Hinata is free. This is going to be hard, but I have to do it! For Charlie!

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