Chapter 12: Hot springs

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"I'm so screwed, i'm so screwed, i'm soooo screwed!" Charlied whinned. She's been say that since we first arrived at the springs resort... and pretty much since Hinata won the weekend trip. "There are some things I know shes going to notice!"

"Charlie, calm down. Is it really such a bad thing if she knows?"

"I asked her to be my girlfriend just a few days ago. She thinks i'm a normal fourteen year old boy. I like her, shes a cool girl, but I can't hurt her by telling her, 'Oh hey, I forgot to mention, i'm really a girl. Please don't tell anyone.'. I'm sure that would go over just perfectly."

Well she had a point there. I've known Hinata for a long time, but she would be pretty hurt if she found out the guy she likes is really a girl. Charlie sighed and got up. She picked up a bath ukata and changed befored turnning to mewith a witty look.

"Well, I guess we just have to work together to keep Hinata none the wiser." Her grin was matched perfectly with the way her glasses sat slightly down on the bridge of her nose. Man, she's so pretty. What? What am I thinking? *slap*

"I heard on of the old people talking about taking a bath that was so murky, she couldn't see her hand in the water. I think she called it the... um... something to do with dried salts. We could take that one!"

"Great thinking! And we could leave Hinata a note to meet us down there so we can get in first and she won't be able to tell."

"Man it's a good thing your flat as a pancake!"

"Do you want to get slapped?" Her expresstion was pretty scary. So while Charlie looked up what room that bath was in, I wrote Hinata a note to meet us there and changed into my bath ukata. Charlie and I put our ukatas and towles in lockers before slipping into the hot water. We were the only ones in there. Perfect.

"This could actually work Naruto. Can't see a darnded thing." It really did seem like it would work. Until, that is, Hinata walked in. You know I never noticed how big Hinatas boobs were. Damn it, quit it! Anyway, she slipped into the water right next to Charlie. I had to think of something to get her away from Charlie. Thats when I noticed a ball of bath cleaner.

"Hey, why don't we play catch?" I asked.

"Sounds fun. I'm in."

"I'll play."

I tossed the ball to Charlie who tossed it to Hinata. You know, thinking back, I really should have thought more about Charlies athletic state. I had to teach her how to swim, and that had almost ended in disaster. So it should have been obviouse that after afew tosses, Charlie would epicly fail at catching it and get herself bonked in the head. She spun around and pointed upwards. "Look, birds." And she fell into the water. I raced over before Hinata even had a chance and pulled her up.

"SNAP OUT OF IT MAN!!!!" I shook her until she finally got out of her funk.

"I'm okay! Let go!" I dropped her and she shot me a glare. Hinata hugged her worriedly.

"Charlie are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just pushed around a little thats all."

"What the hell?" We all turnned to see one Neji Huga.

"No way." Charlie and I said together.

He looked from me, to Charlie, to Hinata, then back to me. Well. This is ackward.

"Hinata, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well I won a trip here and I thought who better to bring with me then my best-friend and boyfriend?"

"You and Uzumaki are datiing now?"

"No. Charlie and I are."

He looked over at Charlie and then his eyes widened.

"Hinata, I didn't know you were a lesbian."

I jumped out of the water to cover his mouth but saddly failed. Hinata looked wide eyed over at Charlie. She pinched the bridge of her nose in adgitation.

"I'm getting really tired of people saying i'm a girl." She said.

"But you are."

"How are you so fu-!"

"Naruto hush. Charlie... can you... stand up for me?" Hinata asked.

She chewed on her lip and sighed. She pulled herself up on the edge of the bath. Hinata gasped and turnned around, pressing her hands against her face as she began to cry. Charlie jumpped back in.

"Hinata, i'm sorry. I really do care about you. But I can't let people know. If to many people know, i'll bbe sent back home."

"Well how come Naruto knows then?"

"Because of a small incident that happened at the beach. Don't really wan to go into much detail with that one."

"Charlie, I thought you really liked me. How could you do this to me?"

"I do like you Hinata. Your an amazing person. And you know, if I was a boy, you would deffinatly be my first pick for a girlfriend. But I was going to tell you on this trip."

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"I couldn't keep lying to her. I decided on the way down here. She has to know."

Hinata sniffled and Charlie whipped away her tears. With a smile they hugged each other.

"But I need you to do something for me."


"Please pretend to be my girlfriend. There are some people who suspect my real sex and I need you to help me convince them other wise."

"I don't know Charlie."

"Please. I'll take you on dates, anything. Please!"

She seemed to think for a second but then nodded. We cheered and Neji shook his head.

"You all are weird." He said as he slipped into the pool.

"But thats why you love us." Charlie comment.

He looked at her and shook his head with a slight smile on his face. That went well.

Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें