Chapter 15: Mama

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"So in order to find the percent you need to cross it like so and multiply the 'is' number and 100. After you find the answer to that divide it by the 'of' number. Now you can find any of the numbers by doing the same exact thing." Ah, math. complete crap of a subject with a lot of things to it that I will most likely never use again after the lesson.

"Can we go over some history? I'm falling asleep with all these numbers."

"Je Naruto, you have the attention span of a gnat. Okay, do these practice problems and we can go over the american salam witch hunts." Charlie gave me the sheet of problems and I went straight into it. Yumi called her while I was finishing number seven and she left the room to talk to her. Gosh I hate math. And when I was done I was so happy.

A knock sounded at the door. A very tall, beautiful blonde haired woman stood there. She looked down at me with Bright amber eyes. "Hello, my name is Svetlanna. I'm looking for Charrlotte." Her voice was heavy with an accent.

"Naruto, whos at the door?" Charlie stood at the entrance to the bathroom. "Oh shit!" Svetlanna ran and tackled Charlie to the ground before she had the chance to get away. She screamed and struggled against her hold.

"Quit your squirming! You are coming home wether you like it or not!"

"Nyet! Nyet!"

I Pulled her off Charlie and held her in one of the kitchen chairs. "Why can't let me choose what I want to do?! Why can't you leave me alone?!"

"Because you don't know what s good for you and you don't know what you want. Your fourteen, you can't make these decisions yet."

"So your gonna go ahead and tell me what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life?!"

"Charlie..." I looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Sorry, I'm being rude. Naruto this my mom. Mom this is my student Naruto."

"Nice to meet you." It got quiet. And super akward. Charlie and Svetlanna just stood there and glared at eachother for the longest time. I finally got up and got sodas from the fridge. After shaking one up I put them down on the table.

"Ladies, one of these sodas has been shooken up. Now I know mine is settled, but who ever gets sprayed has to shut up and listen to the other talk."

They both looked at me in question but then nodded and said fine. "Ready? Set? Open!"

Svetlanna got squirted with pepsi. Charlie smiled with satisfaction and stood up.

"I don't want to be a modle Mom. I want to show people I'm smart and help others learn things. I'm helping Naruto become Hokage for Gods sake. Don't talk. Kobe was asked to come. But he's sick. Too sick to make the long trip here. He would have died before he made it, and you had stood there and encouraged him that day. Even after he told you he didn't think he would be able to do it, you still told him 'Go, i'll help you pack. Going to Konoha is just what you need.' What are you trying to say Mom? That what he needs is to die?"

Svetlanna got up and smacked Charlie across the face. She looked up and ran out of the apartment. I tryed to run after her but was held back by her Mom.

"Leave her be. She needs to feel abandonment for awhile. She needs to have her heart twisted. so she can calm down and finally realize who is right in this."

"But I can't do that! She needs someone right now! I don't want Charlie to hurt. Because I know what it's like to really be abandoned and alone. I know whats it like to be hurt!" I ran out of the apartment, and started to look for Charlie.

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