Chapter 31: Calm

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Charlie starred at Chigami with an unreadable face for a good two minutes before she stood and slammed the door. I was kinda worried about her. I've never seen her so... off. She sat back down at the table and took a sip of her soda. I counted the seconds so I keep a record for how long she can keep her head after that. Fifteen seconds... and Charlie screamed like a banshee.  You could seriously feel the hatred! It was scrary!

I reached over and very lightly put my hand on her shoulder. Charlie was steaming mad, but seemed to chill slightly.

"Hey, calm down. Do you want some candy?" She shook her head. "Do you want to watch tv?" She shook her head again. "Do you want to watch me punch Chigami?" Charlie nodded. "Okay, lets go punch Chigami." I took her hand and lead her outside where he stood leaned against the railing.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Heeeeeellllllll to the no. Naruto, proceed." 

I walked forward and very swiftly punch the jack ass in the face. He looked up at me with surprise. The red mark had a lready appeared on his face and it looked painful. Charlie wasn't looking very pitying at the moment so I highly doubted she cared.. But she kneeled down and looked him in the eye.

"Look in my eyes Chi-kun. Do I look like I want to leave this place? Do I look like I want to drop Naruto for a dick like you? You had your chance and you blew it. This guy right here, he's been very kind to me, he's looked out for me, and he loves me." her voice was so calm and light. I was expecting the exact opposite sound from her. Charlie got up. "You need to go home and tell my brother nice try."

Huh? Kobe? She thinks Kobe had something to do with this? I stood and starred at her as she walked into her apartment. Okay, that means she doesn't want to be bothered. How do I know? Because she is always in my apartment. She still sleeps there too! So when she walks to her own place you know she really wants to be alone.

I looked down at the seriously surprised Chigami and held out my hand to help him up. "I need to talk to you." I said. He nodded and took my hand. We walked to the raman stand together and ordered. "So why did you come here?" I asked.

"Kobe told me where Charlie was the other day. But he told me that she was staying with an abusive dick who wasn't letting her go home to visit. So I thought, I can't let beautiful Charlie live like that!  And I ran here to take her home."

Why that son of a-! "Kobe lied!" I yelled, slamming my fists down on the counter.

"You chip my counter again you pay for it, Naruto!" The owner yelled. Crap, I gotta stop doing that. Chigami looked surprised at my ferocity.

"Charlie has been staying with me the past five months. Well actually, I was gone a pretty good chunk of that time but still. And I've never told her she couldn't go home. Her mom came by and tried to make her go home, but she didn't want to. Kobe was the next to show up. He and I didn't exactly get along...."

"Kobe does have that effect. But still, he's never lied to me. I will find out what's going on and take Charlie back with me if I find anything amiss. And she is so HOTT with short hair! Why did I ever dump her?"

"Come on dude, not in front of the current boyfriend." I commented. He smiled goofily and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry. Listen, fair warning. As you probebly already figured out, I am a complete dick. Thats just me. So if I say something stupid that pisses Charlie off again, and lord knows I will, please don't hit me again."

I laughed and patted his back. "Okay. Just don't try and steal my girlfriend away."

"Thats something I can't controle. I mean, come on, i'm sexy."

....... um.... Whatever you say dude. 

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