Chapter 18: Kobe

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People began to cheer as we got closer with Gaara in tow. He looked at the crowd in awe, like he never thought he would see so many people who were happy to see him. Heck he probebly didn't. Both Kankuro and I smiled down at Gaara. When we got up to the gate he told the ninja carrying Elder Chiyo's body to go first.

"She gave up her life for mine. I wish I could properly thank her." He said.

"Well, in sixty some years, mabey you can." I joked.

He gave me a small sad smile and Kankuro took him. Sakura walked up behind me.

"He seems a lot happier since we first met him."

"Yeah. You know Naruto, I was a little surprised that you left this time. What with Charlie beging tested for cancer and all. I really thought-"

"Wait what?!" Did she just say what I think she said?

"Well Charlie was being tested for cancer the day we left. The doctors thought she might have muscular cancer."

Holy crap. Now I feel bad. I need to get home, and fast. God, How can I be such a bad friend? She was in the hospital to begin with and all I cared about was a mission. Given it was a rescue mision for a very close friend, but still.

"Sakura, we have to leave as soon as possible!"

She was very good at getting us out of there fast. We said good bye and ran back home. Well, actually everyone else walked and waved bye while I sped off like a speeding bullet. So it was no surprise when I broke a freaking world record getting back.

The apartment was unlocked. Yumi sat on the couch looking tired and worn out. She practically glared at me.

"Well look who finally decided to help." Oh shit, she's drunk. "Do you have any idea how late I've been staying up taking care of Charlie while you were gone? Do you have any idea how sick the treatment has made her?"

My heart dropped in my chest. "So, she does have cancer."

"Yes. They started giving her treatment yesterday and it makes her very tired. She's a sleep right now, and will stay that way until dinner when I wake her up."

I didn't argue with her, mainly just because you don't argue with a drunk ninja/model. Not a smart move. So I waited until Yumi passed out to walk over to Charlies bed and lightly wake her. She looked up at me grogily with her pretty yellow eyes.

"Naruto!" She said sitting up to hug me. I graicously hugged her back.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you like that."

"It's fine." She sounded like she was going to fall asleep again. "Naruto, will you lay down next to me? I'm cold." I did as she asked. Charlie currled up next to me and I put my arm over her.

Charlie is my friend, but I sometimes, like now, find myself wanting to hold her forever and never let her go. I want to always be with her. Esspecially now, with her going through treatment. I can't leave her. But I don't really know anything about how to take care of a cancer patiant. I wish there was someone who could me... that wasn't Yumi cause God knows shes never going to forgive me for what I did.

Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it. Yumi woke up to the sound of a knock. I didn't notice it cause I was to consumed in keeping Charlie warm.

"Looks like you got here okay. Did the doctors leave aleady?" Yumi asked.

"They dropped me off at the gate and took Mama home. Is Charlie stable?" It was a young male voice.

"The doctors say it's not to bad but it will take a few months to get rid of it." They walked over to the bed side and looked down at us.

"She looks happy." The boy noted.

"Charlie has been talking non-stop about much she loves being here with Naruto. Recently I began to wonder if she loved being here with Naruto... or if she just loved Naruto."

"Well, it looks like He's fond of her." Someone shook my shoulder. "Hey, wake up." I rolled over and looked into a face that truly belonged to the girl I was laying next to. But this face was younger and deep with exhaustion. No hair, yellow eyes, and a warm smile. I instantly knew who he was who else could be but Kobe White.

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