Chapter 5: A trip

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My heart nearly stopped beating as I looked down at the girl in the picture. I had to literally slap myself to snap out of it! After a few minutes of looking, I found the heating pad Charlie had been talking about And stuffed the picture in my pocket.

"Thanks man." He flipped a switch and pressed the small pad to the back of his neck. While he was lost in the world of heated comfort, I decided to ask some questions.

"So, Charlie, tell me. Did you have any girlfriends back home?" I asked in a teasing manner.

"Ew. Uh, no. Most of the girls back home were pretty fugly and not to mention total bitches. There are only two nice and pretty girls there, and one is my sister, the other s my bestfriend."

"Wow, sucky. So tell me about your sister."

Charlie put his book down and raised his eyebrow to me. "Well, she looks a lot lik I do. Samw color hair, same color eyes. But she wears contacts instead of glasses so her eyes look blue. Like I said earlier, she's a model, but she smart. Don't steriotype her as a dumb model. She loves to read and math is her best subject." Charlie looked off to the side and out the window with a thoughtful look. "She would do anything to protect her family though. Even give up the life sh knows." He seemed to be lost in his own mind. "I think I have a picture of her with me. Can you go find it? It's in my bag."

"Sure." I got up and stood behind him to take the picture out of my pocket. "Here you go."

Charlie took the picture and looked at it with a sad expression. I kinda felt bad for the guy. He must really love his sister. But then he smiled and put the picture on the table.

"I have an idea. After tommorrow's lesson, and after you train with your team, why don't we go hang out somewhere fun? I heard it's sopposed to be really nice weather."

"Yeah! Thats a great idea! We could go to the beach!"

Charlie got a pure look of 'uh-oh'. "Uh, that's not such a good idea. What about bowling?"

"That sounds fun. But, wait, why isn't the beach a good idea?"

"I, uh... can't swim."

"But that just means we SHOULD go!"

"I don't follow your logic."

"Jeez, for a smart kid you sure are dumb. We should go so that I can teach you how!"

"Now I follow. I'm still not sure dude."

"Ah come on! It'll be fun. And i'm not taking no for an answer."

He gave me a 'really?' look and sighed. "Ok, but if I drown it's on your head."

Alright! Total win! I let Charlie have the first shower. Theres something this guy isn't telling me. And i'm going to find out just what he's hiding. First look was his bag. I remember earlir there was a thing of some kind of cream in here. Ah-ha found it! Instant muscual relaxer. Even I have some of this. Nothing out of the oridinary. Wait. What do we have here? Anti-anxiety pills, Ice packs, heating pads, and stiff wrapping. What is all this for? I heard the water turn off in the bathroom and quickly put everything back. Charlie came out rubbing his wet hair with a towle.

"All yours." I went to take my shower, thinking about the strange items in my roommates bag. Does he have a kind of muscual problem? I got out and dried myself off. It was only then I realized I had forgotten my clothes. So I tied the towel around me and walked out. Charlie was sitting on the ground, folding a peice of paper into a crane. He didn't seem to notice me as I walked past. Good. As fast as I could, I switched the towel for a pair of boxers. Charlie was still folding the craine.

He finished and held it up to the light. With a smile he pulled on the tail and it flapped its wings. Now thats cool.

"You know Naruto. Next time you forget your clothes, just ask me to bring you something." He looked back at me with a smile on his face. Busted. He chuckled lightly and climbed into his bed. "Lets get some sleep man. I'm tired."

I got into bed myself and clicked off the light. I don't really know what it is about this guy, but I just like having him around. He's calm, funny, and completly full of surprises. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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