Chapter 39: Daddy

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So... yeah... I know Charlie said she was... ya know... from a good family and all... But her house was just... rediculous! It was not two story, but three, stretched out across a beautiful and perfectly manicured lawn. Flowers and fountains and rocks and many different kinds of trees decorated the lawn while ivy climbed the light colored bricks of the house. It was so big. And the windows were all latticed with balconies and dormers. It's like one of those mansions you would see in a scary movie, except at the beginning when they're telling you about what happened and it still looks nice and everything.

Charlie walked on through the huge wooden door and urge me to hurry. Inside was almost as amazing as outside! The floor was pure marble tile, and the front room was filled with flowers. The grand stair-case wound around up to the floor above, shinny and gleeming. A maid about in her twenties was walking down.

"Welcome home mistress." She said, bowing.

"Hello Isabelle. Is my Father in his study?"

"Yes Ma'am. He is very much looking forward to seeing you and meeting your boyfriend."

"Good to hear!" Charlie took my hand and lead me up the steps. A very lavish rug ran down the leangth of the hallway and paintings of what appeared to be Charlies family members linned the walls. All the way down were pictures of young girls and boys, each one with blue hair and a small smile. It was strange, because I didn't see Charlie or Kobe on the wall.

"Dang this place big!"

"It's actually not as big as it seems. But it houses all of the staff plus my Fathers  visitors. He's a well known buisness man and sometimes his cliants have to spend the night."

Charlie stopped in front of a big oak wood door and knocked. A deep 'enter' sounded and she opened the door. A thin, yet well built man sat behind a desk looking over papers and typing something on his computer. His blue hair hung in his eyes much like Charlie and Kobe's did all the time. He looked up and beamed a bright smile.

"Charlotte!" She ran around the desk and gave him a hug and a kiss on te cheek. He seemed so happy to see her, but he also seemed like a seriously busy man. Which would explain why maybe he never tried to help CHarlie when it became evident she didn't want to model anymore... CHarlie's dad looked up at me slightly. "So is this him?" He asked.

"Yes Daddy. And be nice." SHe scoulded him! Oh my gosh!

"Come here." He demanded. I did as he asked, afraid for my life. Seriusly this guy is scary! "Tell me, have you, in the best of your abilities, been keeping my little Charlotte happy?"

I really didn't know exactly what he wanted me to say. I mean I could say yes, but then he might think I was full of myself. I could say I've been trying, but that... well you could see how that might go. Charlie gave me smile, meaning to just answer how I would answer.

"You bet!! I always make sure Charlie is happy and make sure she visits the doctor when she needs too, and most importantly, that she feels appreciated!!" And I said it all with my signature hyperactive attitude. He looked impressed by my answer and nodded.

"So, how exactly do you make her feel 'appreciated'?" He asked, eyes boring into mine.

I gulpped knowing what he was thinking about. He was tring to see if Charlie and I had slept together. "Well, I always tell her she looks beautiful, and I give her lots of hugs. And when she gives an exceptional lesson, I tell her so!" Once again, he seemed impressed.

"Have you ever touched my daughter in a way that maybe was ot appropriate?"


"No!" I said holding up my hands.

He stood abruptly. "Why do you act so appaled by my question?!"

"Dad hats enough!"

"I would never touch Charlie unless she was ready!"

"And are YOU ready?"

I deadpanned. "Not really."

"Oh, okay then." Wait what? Thats it? Not really and he calms down? ... Awesome! Charlie hit his shoulder hard and glarred.

"That was uncalled for!" She said.

"Standard procedure honey."

"I'm pretty sure you didn't ask that of Chigami or Usura."

"It's a relativly new procedure."

Charlie scoffed and sat on the couch against the wall. "Brand new you mean." He smiled at her and then looked back at me. She got wide eyes and mouth 'fuck'. what now?

Teach me to love ~Naruto~: Chapter 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora