Helping Where she can.

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"Do you wanna talk to them Cal" Harmony asked him.

"of course,Please"

"Hey Guys, Cal is on Skype with me, Harmony too so keep it clean, You wanna say hello to him?" Brian yells out. In a matter of moments five guys arrive, Most of them sweaty and shirtless. On in his boxers with wet hair.

"Hey, I'm alive, Hurting but here"

The one is his boxers punches Brian and says "its beauty and the beast. Damn bro, she got any sisters? Or a single mother even?"

"Sorry, no siblings, and my mom is gone. But its nice to finally meet you all. Thank you for watching Brian's back, and for Cal. It means the world to me."

"Thank you for the goodies. I love your cookies, reminds me of home" one of them says.

"its nothing mam, its what I would do for any of these fuckers" another says

"So do you know if your coming back?" one asks

"don't know, Harmony knows" Cal answers.

"Well he goes in for surgery tomorrow for skin graphs. His upper thigh is a mess, same as his calf. His back is a mess. At this point they don't know my guess is no."

"Another time, more to tell" Cal speaks up.

"OK guys, I'm taking this into the shower. So if you wanna continue then your gonna have to fallow me and I prefer if you didn't"Brian tells them.

"So your taking her into the shower huh. I know whats going on" one of the guys say as he walks away,

"Not with me here" Cal tells him with a laugh.

"So babe what you having for dinner"

"Well a nice lady made us chicken pot pie and key lime pie, I'm going to feed us while you shower"

"OK sounds good. I miss your cooking. How was your day?"

"long. I'm tired for some reason, I know ill sleep good tonight"

"i bet, whats your plan for tomorrow?"

"they are taking him in around 8 am. Ill call you after they take him if you don't mind. They said three hours or so and then back here"

"please do. I have the nothing for the next week. Other then basic stuff. I asked Momma C to send your box to you. It should be there tomorrow. She sent it next day. I want you to have it asap"

" Cal I'm full, I need to use the potty and change for bed, Do you care if I take the lap top with me? I need to touch base with Bri about the house."

"You do that"

Harmony gets up grabs the laptop and her pajamas. She closes the bathroom door for some privacy.

"So you need to change?'

"Yeah and your in the shower"

"wanna trade"

"sure, first the house, You need to take over what you want. I will do what I can from here but it cant be like it was. I cant do it all. I don't care honestly. I just want you and our kids and a house and the lake. That's it"

"I know babe. Why don't we 3 way call Jessie tomorrow and talk to her about it. Give her the go ahead to do what she needs to. I do want to add a few things but we talk about it tomorrow, Now for the fun part"

"not yet, umm. Bri. This shit with Cal is confusing to me. Really confusing"

"what you mean babe"

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat