Chapter 38

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I wake up more happier than usual, which is really saying something since I have school today. I feel like putting more effort into what I wear today, but at the same time I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard.

It takes me so long to decide what I wear that I end up leaving the house late, which causes Rachael and Rosie to be late too.

"Someone's distracted." Rosie hums next to me.

I elbow her in the ribs and she lets out a yelp.

We make our way to our lockers and I keep my eye out for Luke. Rachael sends me a knowing grin before heading off to her locker.

I look to my left to see Rosie making her way over to a boy at his locker. His eyes light up when Rosie approaches and I bet that boy has a crush on her. It's so obvious by the way he's looking at her.

I'm so distracted that I almost scream when a pair of arms snake around my waist. I feel a chin rest on my shoulder and a light kiss on my cheek.

I know I'm grinning like a fool but I couldn't care less.

"Hey gorgeous." Luke's voice murmurs in my ear.

"Hi." I mumble back.

Luke smiles at me, not saying anything.

I look at him confused, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I pause, thinking of what I ate so far today, "Do I have food stuck between my teeth?"

Luke lets out a loud laugh, "What? No! I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend?"

"Oh." I smile to myself, blushing slightly.

The bell rings and Luke gives me a swift kiss before making his way to his first hour class while I make my way to my own.

I notice a couple looks come my way and choose to ignore them. I won't let anyone's judging stares affect me.

"Rowan!" The familiar sound of my best friend's voice rings down the hall, "Wait!"

I stop in my tracks and turn around. Bella's pushing her way through the crowd, causing some students to glare at her. I roll my eyes when she approaches.

"Causing a scene as usual Bella?" I joke with her.

"Oh, whatever. They're just underclassmen." Bella waves her hand, "Anyways, back to the point! You've got a lot of explaining to do!"

I look at her confused, "I do?"

Bella looks at me like I'm stupid, "Don't act stupid. I saw what just happened with Luke. You're not fooling anyone."

"Oh yeah." I mumble, "Forgot about that."

"Oh, I forgot." Bella mimics.

"Look at the time! We should really get to class."

Bella rolls her eyes at me, "Okay fine, but you're telling me everything in class."

To Bella's help, the teacher decides to just give us some busy work, claiming she'll collect it some day. The moment our teacher kicks her feet onto the desk and turns on her iPad, Bella's right next to my side.

"No more wasting time. Spill." Bella commands.

Giving up, I break into a small smile and tell her everything. She gushes at everything I say and claims that she knew we were destined from the moment we met. I can't help but feel all giddy talking about Luke. I'm never like this with boys but Luke's an exception.

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