Chapter Thirty Four: Instigation And Desperation

Start from the beginning

"Are you challenging me?"

She shrugged, "Whatever you see it as."

He gave her a hard look. He opened his mouth to speak, but shut it back. "Let's see, if you can really make it up to me and prove yourself worthy."

A confident glint appeared in his eyes. "You don't have to doubt that fact. Trust me, I won't lose." He has an arrogant look on his face, which she desperately wished to wipe off.

"Cos I, Faaiz Hasnayn will win," He eyed her as he got to the door. And just as he was about leaving, he added

"I always do."

Neemah got home and was met with the usual silence of the big and empty house. Already accustomed to the destituteness, she entered the now deserted house. She glanced at the house that was now lacking warmth, it had always been like that though. But atleast, her parents lit it up occasionally.

Upon entering her room, several pictures of Faaiz was sprawled all over her wall and bed. She shut her eyes. It was the only thing that kept her going then. When her parent's warmth and love was not enough and she lost the will to move on, a glance at it would ease her worries and clear her doubt. He was her inspiration.

She got closer and sat at the edge of the bed and ran a hand through the rim of the picture. There was a particular one she liked, he was wearing a navy blue suit, one hand on his briefcase the other on his phone making a call. He wasn't looking at the camera. The picture had been unaware. But she loved it.

Loved. She smiled sadly.

He looked so handsome and mysterious. She looked at the pictures, they all have something in common.

There was no smile on his face.

No traces of smile. All the pictures she had seen of him and had surfed the internet for, was devoid of smile. Not even a single picture of him. His face was expressionless, poker. But he still looked hot. And she couldn't help but wonder, how he'd look like with a smile on his face. He was so full of mystery. Nevertheless, she liked him like that.


She noticed. Another sign she has gotten over him.

She then got up and gathered all the pictures she has of him. Every single one. She then went to the fire place and burnt it all. She watched as it all got burnt and turned to ashes. No remnant.

Another step.

She took a satisfied step towards her room and her mind wandered to Hanan. Neemah was glad. It was finally off her mind. A burden has been lifted off her soul. She got rid of everything that could remind her of Faaiz and then headed to the kitchen and prepared herself a hot tea. They had chased all the maids away. Except one. But she was on leave now.

She was used to this life. But she always tried to fill the void her parents couldn't. She was a lonely child but she didn't let that weigh her down. She tend to be hyperactive and she socializes a lot. Her life at the states was an interesting and boring one at the same time. She made lot of friends and memories.

She had studied the course so she could help people like herself. Suffering in silence. Lonely on the inside. So she understood them better.

Neemah heard the front door open and got up. "Mom." She rasped, when she finally could make out the silhouette.

"Hey," She acknowledged. That has been the only word they've spoken. The longest conversation they've had since the incident was 'how are you'. And the conversation died there. Neemah had tried initiating small talks, but her mother never responded.

She was about leaving her sight as usual, craving the mother she knew back then. "I'm travelling tonight," She halted her step and gave her mother a sharp glance.


"You heard me right."


"It's urgent and important," she replied instead.

"But mom-"

"Don't mom me!"

"Why??" Neemah was fed up. "Why are you acting weird and unusual? I need my mom back!"

"Well, too bad you are not gonna get her back. You lost her already." Neemah gasped. "You lost her years back."

"Why are talking this way? Is it because of dad?"

"Oh, you wanna know?" Neemah nodded carefully.

"Your dad is out there dying!" She took a momentary pause, "And you still don't know what you did?"

Neemah looked on clueless. "If you had just studied the damn Medicine I asked you to, instead of what you studied! But no, you were so keen on being a lawyer or a psychologist. You didn't listen to me."

"How on earth would I study something I have no passion for!?"

"And have you seen what that caused? You've seen the consequence of that right?! Maybe, if you had studied it, you'd have been a professional medical doctor and would have found solution to your dad's problem! Who knows.. we wouldn't have been this helpless and would count on you!"

"First of all, I'm not God! It is all Allah's willing. And my not being a doctor, has nothing to do with all this!"

"Yeah. This silly arguments again.
Just for once, stop being hot headed and listen to me! And what have you achieved so far with your career? Laying there, helpless, with no hope whatsoever is your dad. Vulnerable. And his daughter couldn't do anything to save him. The more I think of it, the angrier I get on all the money wasted; All the chemotherapies done, yet, no profound solution. If only my daughter had studied Medicine!"

"For years, my own mother has had me on her mind. Resented me. All for what? Not studying the course she asked me to. A course I have no zeal and passion for! I went against her wishes and followed my dreams. A mother that is meant to encourage and support my decisions. Really, mom? You are blaming me for all our misfortunes. For dad's condition?"

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Is that why you suddenly became cold to me? Your only child!? Or you have another else where? I'm no God, mom. It would have happened, even if I had become a doctor."

"But at least, it would have been different. You'll be skilled and will have connection between your fellow doctors."

"You don't get it do you? I am not and will never be a doctor!"

"You know what? It actually suits you, being a lawyer or whatever you call it.. Since all you do is argue blindly! Suit yourself then. You defied me and you are facing the outcome."

"Mom.." but she left already and Neemah rubbed her face wearily. Really?

Neemah watched as she left with her luggage, not even bothering to bid goodbye. Which made her resolve to what she has been thinking about lately. What she has always thought of doing.

She returned to her room and went to get it where she had hidden it. Knowing a day would come when she would be brave enough to; and with teary eyes,

She did what she thought was best for everyone.

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