"Tony?" she asked, eyes widening. He could distinctly hear the sound of a screaming baby behind her. He held up a piece of paper that was crumpled in his hand.

"You had- we had- its positive. The results are positive." he huffed. She nodded. She already knew that, Tony was the only person who could possibly be the father. She stepped to the side so that he could come in. She closed the door behind him and he looked around the large hotel room he was paying for. She sighed as the infant continued to wail.

"Alright, Petey, I'm coming." she walked over the the playpen where he was lying and lifted him out. In the second playpen there was a baby girl who was fast asleep.

"Huh, guess we know where she gets her sleeping habits from." he chuckled as the mother laid her son down to change. Mary let out a slight laugh.

"Yeah, Pey can sleep through anything. Peter here wakes up to the slightest breeze. It's insane." she muttered. Tony nodded. She finished up the boy and picked him back up. The two stood there in an awkward silence before Peyton began to blink awake. She stared up at the man looking down at her.

"You can hold her." Mary said quietly, watching the man stare at the baby in awe. He looked up and then shook his head.

"Oh, no, no, I, shouldn't." he said. She sighed and walked over, pushing Peter into him without hesitation. His eyes widened as he cradled the boy but slowly softened as he looked at him, his heart swelling. She reached down and lifted her daughter into her arms.

"Hey baby girl." she cooed softly. The child smiled up at her mother.

"How... How old are they?" he asked.

"Three weeks." she replied.

"And what are their full names?" he asked.

"Peter Benjamin Quill, Benjamin after my best friend, and Peyton Meredith Quill. Meredith after my sister." she answered.

"Nice." he said.

"Though, that could be changed to Stark... you are their father after all." Mary said. He paused. Father. Did he want that? Kind of. He didn't know how to be a father, though. He never had any good examples, heaven knows Howard completely failed at that. Tony was a partier, a sleeper, a... drinker. Like his father.

He set Peter down where Peyton had been before, backing away.

"No. Quill is fine. They... I... I'll have a bank account set up, I'll pay child care but I don't... I'm not a father." he said. Mary set Peyton down in the other playpen.

"Tony, no. I didn't... I don't want money, I just wanted your children to have a father." she insisted as he began to walk away.

"That's not me. Get married or something but I'm not father material, darling." he said, putting his arrogant facade back on.

"No. No, you can't do this. Tony. I can't do this on my own." she said.

"Sorry. You knew what you were getting into with me. I don't do commitment." and with that, he was gone, leaving Mary Quill to stand and ponder how she was going to do this.


Peyton stormed down the stairs and into Tony's workshop, Peter trailing behind her. He didn't look up as he continued fiddling with what looked like an iron man arm. Led Zeppelin was blasting in the background but the twins just ignored it as the young girl slapped the several sheets of paper down on the desk in front of him. He looked up, eyebrows raised.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Evidence to something I can't wrap my brain, around." she replied. He picked up the paper and flipped through it. He found printed copies of tabloid and magazine articles featuring him partying in Florida, one specific one featuring a blurry picture of him and a woman only recognizable to those who knew her, another blurry image of what looked like the same woman walking towards Stark industries, another blurry image of that woman and Pepper Potts together, and a few printed emails one sent from the address '' that asked 'Hey, how did it go?' and a reply sent from the address '' that said 'He practically threw money at me (rich bastard) and said he wanted nothing to do with them. Shoulda known, once a playboy, always a playboy.'. Tony looked up at her.

"Kid, this-"

"Before you say, whatever you're about to say, I have to ask you to please have the decency not to lie because if this is true, we're already hurt enough as it is without you adding insult to injury. Are you our father?" she asked. Tony looked from her to Peter who just looked sad. Friday had warned him that they were doing more research but he hadn't realized how close they had gotten.

"Yes." he sighed. She nodded, taking a step back.

"Wow... wow." she turned around and stormed out but Peter stayed rooted in place.

"Mr. St- Tony, why didn't you tell us? You said you would help us but you already knew." he said. He nodded sadly.

"I guess I was trying to protect myself." he said. For a moment, Peter was startled by the honesty and vulnerability that had just left his mentor- father's- mouth.

"From what?" he asked. Tony thought for a second.

"I... I don't really know." he said. Peter slowly lowered himself into a spare seat, his eyes were glossy.

"You knew our entire lives? You didn't want anything to do with us until... until you found out I could help you..." he stood up again, "Peyton was right! You were just using me! For Spiderman!" he exclaimed. Tony stood up.

"No, Peter, listen-"

"I can't believe this." Peter turned and followed after his sister, leaving Tony alone to regret his choices alone.

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