Chapter 6

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 I'm going to start by saying from here on out there will be some small inconsistencies with some of the comics/movies, don't worry, they're not anything huge. You'll understand why later on. Also, this makes some references to Agents of SHIELD you don't really need to have any knowledge of it to understand.

           A few more weeks went by and the twins were getting better. Peyton was coming out of her room, Peter was talking. Things were okay. They weren't great, but living was becoming a bit more bearable. Still, Peyton needed a distraction. This meant, Peyton was back on her project. Darcy was still taking residence up in the tower and was giving everyone a bit of light, even if that meant a bit of a headache along with it.

"So who do you think your dad is?" she asked, sitting in a spinning chair in the girls bedroom. Peyton, Pepper, and Darcy had gone shopping to find stuff to decorate her room, purple walls, fairy lights, a few posters and decals, a desk, a fun spinney office chair.

"I honestly have no idea." she said.

"That's why we're doing research." Peter commented from the end of Peyton's bed. She nodded.

"So, I'm thinking about calling mom's old doctor. Maybe she knows who he is?" she thought.

"It's the best we have right now." Peter replied. She nodded and pulled out her phone.

"What should I say?" she asked, looking to the both of them.

"You should book an appointment. Pretend to be pregnant." Darcy suggested. Peyton looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"But I- what?" she asked.

"Come on, it'll be weird if you just call up and say 'hey, I'm a random teenager looking for my dad, can you tell me who he is?'. If you call to book an appointment you can tell her when you're there!" Darcy exclaimed. The twins shared a look and then shrugged.

"Alright, calling now."


"So, uh, I have to admit something." Peyton blurted as the Doctor walked into the room. Peter and Darcy were waiting in the waiting room, leaving the poor teenage girl alone.

"And that is?" Doctor Myers asked, hiding her wariness pretty well, Peyton thought.

"I'm not pregnant. My mom was, with me, and you were her doctor and I had questions and this is what I thought I should do." she said. The woman let out a small breath of relief and sat down.

"Alright. Not what I was expecting. Who was your mother?" she asked.

"Mary Parker. Well, Mary Quill at the time, actually." she said. Doctor Myers nodded.

"Okay. I'll admit I've had many patients come through my doors and I don't particularly remember that name, but I'm great with faces." she said. Peyton nodded and took out her phone. After a bit of searching she found a grainy picture she had taken of another picture she had found when going through boxes one day. It was Mary, Richard, Peter, and Peyton, when the twins were about three and they were all at the beach.

"Oh, oh, yes, I remember her. What questions did you have? I'm not sure I can answer all of them, Doctor Patient confidentiality and all that." she explained.

"Well, she wouldn't mind she's kind of dead." Peyton muttered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." the doctor looked at the young girl with sympathy and she shrugged.

"I was so little. Peter and I, we were six when she and our step dad died in a plane crash. She left us with some questions that only she knew the answer too. Basically..." she sighed, "Peter and I just lost our aunt. She was the last known family besides each other we had, but there is a whole other side we don't know about. Our Dad wasn't on our birth certificate but we hoped you might know something." she looked at the doctor pleadingly.

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