"Oh." Doctor Myers muttered. They sat there in silence for several minutes before she spoke again.

"I don't know exactly and I really shouldn't tell you- I could get in trouble for disclosing any private information of any patient- but I do remember a conversation with your mother that hinted at where you might be able to find him. She never told me who he was, but the reason I remember her well was because of her story and the interest I had in the whole thing. She- unprompted, mind you, I don't ever ask these things- told me of the events leading up to your conception, without any names. From what I gathered, he is- or was- well known. She and her friends had been surprised to see him there and she was dared to go up and speak to him. She did and they got a little tipsy and one thing led to another. It was later, shortly after you were born, she told me she was traveling to Malibu to introduce you to your father and tell him about you because she decided you needed a father. She then came back to tell me he practically tried to throw money at her and refused to have any contact. She was very distraught about it. Shortly after that the appointments stopped, she was healthy, you were healthy, and she got you an actual pediatrician. That's all I have to tell." she said. Peyton stared at her. That wasn't a lot, but it was much more than she had beforehand.

"Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much, this is going to be so helpful. Thank you." she stood and rushed out of the place, Peter and Darcy standing to follow her out.

"Guys, I got a full on story."


"Where were you guys?" Tony asked as they, arrived back at the tower.

"Arcade." both Peter and Peyton threw out lamely. It was their agreed upon excuse if every they should need one. They rarely had to use it, but it worked. Tony nodded.

"Good to see you guys are getting out. Even if it is with Lewis."

"You know you love me!" Darcy exclaimed. He rolled his eyes but was smirking anyways. The three made their way into Peyton's room where she grabbed her old laptop and began to click away at it.

"Malibu... damn, Malibu is big... luckily I have a friend who's amazing with computers. Her name is Skye- sorry, Daisy, she changed it. I could get her to look into it for me." she muttered.

"I love Skye! She should come down and visit!" Peter exclaimed. Peyton had met Skye at some hackers convention when she was, like, twelve and Skye had shown her a few things and became her mentor. Peyton was a lot better with computers now, but Skye still topped her knowledge and now had secret government level access. When it hit the news that SHIELD had been rebuilt with some new Inhuman director, Daisy had eventually called her to tell her more about it.

"I don't think she can, pretty sure she's busy doing some top secret spy work. However, I hope she could get me a quick favor. And again, she goes by Daisy now." she lifted her phone to her ear and waited.

"Hey, what's up?" the cheery voice of her mentor spoke.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Is there a way to do facial recognition from traffic cameras and such from several years ago?"

"Uh, yeah, probably, what's this for?"

"We're... trying to find out who our father is. I wanted to go facial recognition on my mom from when she was in Malibu to visit our dad and see if we can find them together."

"Okay, yeah, send me a pic of your mom and I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks so much."

"Of course, kiddo!"

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