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**Ashley's POV**

"Oh my gosh what happened!" Ella cried as I got out of the car.

"I fell," was the first thing out of my mouth.

"How bad is it?" She frowned and looked at Stefan.

"It's not too bad, I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I babbled quickly. "So what is it you were wanting us to do?"

"I need help with invitations and you need to get measured for the bridesmaids dress."

I smiled weakly and followed her and Stefan into her house. Blake was on the phone with someone as Ella introduced me to her wedding planner, Jane. They had been going over different color schemes for dresses and had some samples of designs.

"So I'm stuck between a canary yellow or a mint green," Ella said as she showed me pictures of the venue and stuff. "I mean I know I still have time and all, but oh my gosh! I feel like there's just so much to do."

"Which is why we're here to help," Stefan rested his hand on my back as I shivered. I don't think I would ever get over his touch.

"I really appreciate it you two," she winked and went off with Jane to go look at who knows what.

Stefan helped me into a chair as I sighed and leaned my head against his side. He stroked my hair absentmindedly.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," he faked a smile as Blake came in and whisked Stefan off to help him start on invites.

I huffed, men. They never tell you when something's wrong!

So I stayed seated in the chair until Ella came back to grab me just so I wasn't tiring myself out.

"So how are you and Stefan?" she asked casually although I knew she was pressing for some juicy details.

"It's nothing like that, yet," I answered her honestly.

"Do you want it to be?" her eyebrows were raised.

"Yes," I sighed. "He's just..."

"Amazing? Hot? Delicious?"

"Are you describing my boyfriend or yours?" I teased her.

"Well both I would imagine," she smiled,  "you're really into him aren't you."

"More than you know," I gazed at Stefan who was struggling along with Blake on getting the envelopes to close properly.

I tried to hide a giggle and ended up smirking as he looked at me and winked.

"Seems like he feels the same about you," she nudged me forward.

"Don't you need help?" I turned as she shooed me over to Stefan.

"You and him tell me which music you like better," she said as we made our way over to the guys. "I need to help my fiance fold invitations."

"I told you they were difficult," he stuck his tongue out as she got in his lap and showed him how it was supposed to be done.

"Hey Jane can you play some different tracks I put together!" She called before kissing Blake deeply.

Stefan cleared his throat and pulled me away gently towards the dance-floor as I struggled to walk on the slippery wood with my stupid crutches.

"Here," Stefan held my hips as I dropped them and allowed him to carry me.

"Much better," he smiled halfway as we twirled around slowly because of my leg.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" I asked him gently as some classical music began to play.

"It's just... your father told me about some thing called your "mate" and said if you found him... I would need to let you go."

I stopped moving as he looked down at me with a frown, "what is it?"

I blinked back tears at how much he didn't seem to understand that what he was saying was standing right in front of me!

"He... he said that?" I coughed to cover up for my lack of holding my emotions back as he held me closer.

"It'll be okay Ash."

I pushed up on my one good leg and kissed him hard. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and deepened the kiss as I sighed and felt his heart race inside.

"I need to tell you something, but I have to know something first," I started softly.

"Do you want to ask me here or somewhere more private?" he whispered as he brushed his thumb across my lower lip.

I held back a growl as I gasped out, "somewhere else."

Stefan must've given Blake a look as he picked me up and carried me out towards the orchards that we're in the back of Ella's house.

He set me down carefully against one of the larger peach trees as I inhaled the ripening scent.

"Enjoying yourself?" he teased me and kissed my cheek.

"I try," I blushed. "So I need to ask you something."

Stefan trailed his fingers down my arm as I shuddered and pressed into him.

"Whatever it is, you don't have to be nervous love," he kissed the top of my head.

"I just sometimes wonder how you really feel about me."

He didn't say anything for a moment as he continued to stroke my arm and kissed my hair again. "What do you feel I think of you?"

"Honestly," I thought for a moment, "it changes. Sometimes I feel that you're really into me and other times I can't get a read on you."

"Is that your wolf or you thinking that?"


He pulled my face towards his and gazed at me with a grin, "will this prove anything?" He knelt down and kissed me harder as I felt myself being pushed into the grass.

My heart was thudding in my chest as I kissed him harder and grabbed his shoulders. He chuckled as he started kissing my jaw and I growled.

"You know," he whispered softly, "I think it's incredibly sexy when you do that."

I felt my face heat up even more as he continue to kiss my neck and collarbone. Oh my God did he realize what he was doing to me!

He pressed his lips to the hollow of my throat as I didn't hold back another growl from escaping my lips.

"Stefan," I tried to get my voice under control.

He pulled back and winked, "does that answer your question?"

I nodded and pursed my lips as I tried to control my breathing. "Okay... so about the whole mate thing."

He continued to stare at me as I pressed his hand against my heart that was still going way too fast.

"I believe I've found him, if he'll accept me."

**Longer chapter yay! So he now knows about everything! Let's see what happens next shall we?**

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