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**Stefan's POV**

I was kicking myself right now for telling her all of that and giving her the wrong impression. Though part of it seemed true but now that I was talking to her and making myself realize she wasn't Tabitha... God I'm a dick.

"I can't let her walk home," I grumbled and raced to my car to try and figure out where she had gone.

The route that I had taken to get here didn't have any sidewalks by the road... This was going to be harder than I thought. Who knows where she was.

"Come on, pick up," I gritted my teeth as her phone went to voicemail and I threw my phone into the passenger seat. This was not looking good at all.

I pulled onto her street and parked my car a few houses down from hers to wait and see if she would appear. Surely there had been some kind of shortcut for her to take and that's how she would get home.

A light came on upstairs in one of the rooms and the figure that was there almost looked like her. How could she have gotten home so quickly? I didn't think she had run...

Dialing her number again, I waited to see if the figure would pick up the phone but it moved before I knew for sure. Then I heard, "hello."

"Ashley," I began and caught my breath as if I had been running, "look can you come outside so I can apologize? I'm not one to do it over the phone and I really think I should explain... If you'll let me."

There was silence on the line for a few seconds. "Alright," she whispered and hung up.

I opened the door to my car and realized I needed to unlock it. Literally I was about to face palm myself for being so stupid tonight.

I reached her doorstep just as she opened the door. Her hair was down and swooped to one side as her eyes avoided mine. One could understand why.

"I realize you're nothing like her, and I also realize you may think that I'm not handling this whole moving on thing very well..." I sighed and ran my hand through my tousled hair, "but talking to you... I realize... no I know, that you are different than,"

"Tabitha," she answered and I tried to not let her name affect me.

Her hand reached up and touched my face gently as I looked at her. She was so beautiful...

I leaned down slowly and pressed my lips against her forehead as she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her face into my chest. We stood there silently as I stroked her hair and felt her relax gently. This was what we both needed. Comfort and security.

"Stefan," she murmured as I kissed her lips slowly and felt her suck in a deep breath.

Chuckling, I pulled back as her eyes turned a lighter shade of purple. It was truly stunning.

"Yes Ashley?"

"Thank you," she hugged me tightly again.

"You're welcome," I replied and smoothed her hair down, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure," she smiled brightly and kissed me again, "goodnight Stefan."

"Goodnight," I smiled and watched her walk back inside as I went to my car. I'm sure Blake and Ella would find out about this by tomorrow as well, which left me with a lot of explaining to do.

**Sorry for the short chapters!! I'm doing my best to get this story longer so forgive me. I would love feedback on this one!! Anything will help me.**

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