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**Ashley's POV**

Kyle came into my room and frowned, "why did you save him from the rogue?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Is he your boyfriend,"

"What's it matter to you Kyle, I'd rather save our hides from getting noticed if a human died. Sorry I was trying to be careful about us."

"You know what you're father will say right?"

"I'm well aware," I huffed and just glared at him. "Kyle what is wrong with you? Why should it matter if I'm with him?"

"Because, you're my mate Ashley," he leaned in and kissed me hard as I struggled to push him off.

"I hate to break it to you," I growled as he looked back at me, "but Stefan is my mate."

"Oh my dear, how clouded your mind is," he chuckled at me.

"Shut up," I growled, "I'll deal with you later."

He frowned as I picked up my phone that was ringing, "hello?"

"Hey, sorry I needed to go. Figured you needed more rest. Listen will you be able to get up tomorrow?"

"Yes, why?"

"Ella and Blake need help tomorrow with stuff. Want to join me?"

"I'd love to," I replied while looking at Kyle.

He growled and walked out of the room as Stefan continued talking to me about the plans for tomorrow. Man what was it with these guys?! Since when had Kyle had feelings for me? I thought I had been the outcast of the entire pack! Guess I was wrong.


"Sorry, I got distracted with something," I yawned slighlty, "hey I need to let you go. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure sweetheart."

My cheeks flushed pink as I smiled, "thanks Stef. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ashley."

The next morning my leg was doing somewhat better but I knew I would have to find a way to get out of the house to help. Either I was going to have to transform or just go on crutches and explain the injury...

Sighing, I called to one of the she-wolves who was watching me and asked her if they had any knowledge of crutches lying around the estate.

"I'll go check," she replied with a smile that showed some of her newly formed wrinkles on her face.

So assuming that we did find some, the only issue now was checking with my dad. I mean I shouldn't have too at this point in time, but he still considered me to be too young to make decisions for myself. Talk about a dad not wanting his not so little girl to grow up.

"Here you are," she smiled and handed me the crutches.

"Thank you," I sat up and slowly edged myself off the bed while leaning onto the sticks.

Never in my life had I used these before, and with already being uncoordinated in the first place didn't make this any better.

"Hey dad?" I stood outside his office.

"Ashley, why are you up?" He called from inside.

"Because I need to ask you something," I began.

He shuffled some papers before getting up and walking towards where I was, "and what might that be?"

"I'm going to help Ella and Blake with their wedding. Is it alright if Stefan gets me? I'll stay off my leg as much as possible," I stopped to make it not seem as whiny. But let's face it, I sure as hell didn't want to be stuck in a mansion all day with nothing to do!

"Sure, just be careful."

"Is everything okay?" I eyed him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah there's just some issues with the Nightblood clan, that's all."

"Does it involve Saxon's group?"

"I'm not sure yet," he sighed and continued to stay deep in thought.

Slowly, I hobbled away to leave my dad in his thoughts. This was not the time to ask for questions.

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