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**Ashley's POV**

"Oh Ash I'm so excited!" Ella screamed over the phone as I tried not to sigh and roll my eyes. She had been going on and on about Blake as usual. It's not that I wasn't happy for her or anything, I was but oh my gosh! Can a girl get a break every once in awhile?

"I'm glad Ella," I said and stared at my computer screen that was flashing with unread emails.

"Sorry, I know I'm boring you. Anyways, tomorrow we're having dinner with him and some friends. So don't be late and dress nice okay?"

"You got it," I hung up and rubbed my eyes gently.

It amazed me how much I had missed out for seventeen years of sight. Everyday it was like I was experiencing it all over again for the first time. My vision was purely 20/20 and the doctors had said I shouldn't have problems as long as I didn't stare too long at bright screens and all.

I stood up and went over to my mirror. Might as well figure out what I should wear tomorrow. Now that I could actually see, it made a huge difference on how I dressed.

Pulling out some stuff, I grabbed a few short skirts and dresses, not really sure how fancy I needed to be.

"Ashley, honey?" My mom knocked on my door as I pulled up a short beige dress and laid it against me.

"Yes?" I called as she walked in and smiled, "that's pretty."

"Thanks mom," I gazed at my violet eyes in the mirror. Yes I said violet.

"Not really sure what can make my eyes stand out any more than what they already do," I admitted and just laid the dress back on the bed.

"Well," my mom trailed and looked at my selections, "I'm sure you can find something. I have to run to the store real quick, do you need anything?"

"Nope I'm good," I smiled.

"Alright," she paused a moment before walking out and humming to herself.

My parents had been even more cautious after I had had the surgery. It had taken about seven weeks for me to start seeing results. At first it had been a dim light and there were times where I saw blurry images. Then the more I took my vitamins and everything the doctors had perscribed to me, I noticed a huge change in my vision. When people look at me and don't know me personally I like to think that I have Alexandria Geneisis disease. Well it's not really a disease, and I definitely do not have that or else I wouldn't be shaving! Anyways, after people stare at me for God knows how long, I'll either tell them it's natural or that I was given a transplant. Let's just say it's an interesting way to start a conversation.

It's even worse with guys, all they do is just stare at me and think I'm a freak. Yes some poeple think it's so abnormal for me to have purple eyes, but do I care? Hell no! I'm able to see for once in my life, why would I want to change that? Needless to say, I don't have as many friends as what I would hope, but Ella is one of my only best friends, and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Thankfully Blake was used to my peculiar eye color and didn't mind me hanging around. Not gonna lie, I was slightly jealous of Blake and Ella's relationship but I knew eventually I would meet someone for myself. At least that's what I hoped.

"I could always go with purple," I trailed and looked at a purple mini skirt. And saw a silver dress I hadn't worn in awhile. It had slits in the sleeves and stopped right about mid thigh. Yes there was some sparkle to it but not enough to distract anyone from my face I think. Although I wouldn't mind that at all.

Hanging up the rest of my clothes, I pulled out some dark purple pumps and laid them next to my bed. Even though I probably already knew everyone that was going tomorrow, it still gave me the opportunity to dress to impress.

**Kinda short I know, but don't worry I'm working on the next chapter!! What do you guys think so far honestly? I would love some feedback! And the cover was done by the talented: Just_Plain_Little_Me**

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