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Stefan's POV

**Three years later**

Sitting in this literature class was a complete waste of my time. I don't know why I had signed up for it in the first place, maybe to help keep me involved in something useful, but this professor was convincing me otherwise.

Packing my bag, I grabbed my mp3 and started blaring The Fray into my ears. just blocking out everything for a minute calmed down down and allowed me to think.

A hand touched my shoulder and I heard the low murmur of my friend Blake's voice through my ear buds.

"Dude, that thing is ancient," he pointed at my mp3 as I chuckled, "not as ancient as your mom!"

We both chuckled at our joke we used when greeting another before doing that handshake that all guys do.

"What's been going on Stef? Haven't seen you for a few weeks."

"Nothing really, just a bunch of busy work, and work on top of that."

Blake went on about how he was dating his boss's daughter and that it was looking pretty good.

"So will you marry her?' I looked at him serious.

"I plan on it, and her dad might be able to transfer me to a different part of his company and become a manager."

"Congrats Blake, that's great news man!" I clapped him on the back, "send me an invite will ya?"

Blake scratched his hazel looking hair, "I uh... was wondering, when it happens that is, if you would do me the honors of being my best man?"

I tried to hide the grin that was spreading on my face like a wildfire. "I would gladly do you the honors Blake."

"Great," he replied and went on about potential plans he had on how to propose.

The thought of Blake proposing hit me deep in a way that not many would ever understand. Not even him.

He stopped talking and casted his eyes down, "I'm sorry Stefan. I know how hard this must be for you."

I shrugged, "don't be. It was years ago and I know she would've wanted me to move on by now."

Blake sighed, "yes but it takes time to heal. Like when my cousin drowned in the lake that summer? Granted we weren't as close as like my brother and I but it took me over six years to finally accept there's nothing I could've done differently to change the outcome."

In a way he was right, but part of me felt he could never completely understand. The accident had been my fault, regardless of what way you looked at it.

"Look," Blake said again, "all I'm saying is whatever happens you have to accept it. Sometimes when bad things happen to us, it opens a door for bigger and greater opportunities."

"This is why you should be a psychologist," I remarked as he snickered.

"Whatever Stef," he chuckled as we parted ways for our next class.

Sighing, I walked into my Algebra class and thankfully remembered to complete the assignment. Maybe today was going to be a good one after all.

Blake texted me right as I sat down and told me that they had plans to go out to dinner on Thursday, with his future fiancé and some of her friends. I told him I would join and felt that in the back of my mind he was wanting to set me up with one of the girls. I didn't blame him for trying, but I don't think there would ever be another girl like her...

"Hey mom, do you know where my sweatshirt is?" I called while throwing all of my clothes into the hamper.

"It should be clean!" She called back as I trudged back upstairs to find it.

I saw a glimpse of it on the back of my chair and snatched it up before throwing it on. Sliding my mp3 into the pocket, I jogged back downstairs and ran outside to burn off some steam. They weren't kidding when they said running was therapeutic.

I took a left at the stop sign to completely avoid going down the street where the accident had happened. I didn't even eat at Tios anymore after that. Nothing had been the same since...

Turning the corner, I saw Blake's girlfriend, Ella, run past me and wave. I waved back and stopped as she slowed down and came back to chat for a few moments. Her blonde hair was pulled back tight as her chest was heaving to catch a breath. Don't get me wrong, she was in incredible shape, but running isn't for everyone.

"Hey Stefan," she smiled and stretched as we talked about school and nothing of importance.

I think she was trying to get something out of me about Blake proposing but I wouldn't budge on the topic, it wasn't any of my business anyways.

"Well I should get going," I lied as she smiled, "okay I'll see you later then."

"Bye Ella," I called and ran back to my house, forgetting that I had paused my music.

When I got back inside, I threw my hoodie into the hamper as well and just fell onto my bed. There was nothing else for me to do today.

Turning onto my side, I shut my eyes and tried to calm my breathing as sleep came over me. My parents were always worried that this depression phase would never go away from the accident. I knew it would over time, but some days were worse than others and they needed to understand that. It was safe to say I wouldn't be replacing her anytime soon, specially knowing that I could lose her all over again and I definitely didn't want that. Even if she wanted me to move on, I wasn't ready too.

**So Stefan obviously has some remorse and all from the event, but what do you think so far? :) **

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