In Her Eyes

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"Tabitha Simmons was a humble and caring girl with a gentle soul," the preacher began as her family and I sat in the front pews.

"I know this is not always what we consider fair, but knowing that not only is her body now being accessible to others, her soul is in heaven rejoicing with the angels."

Tabitha's mom sobbed quietly next to me as her husband rubbed her back. I could not truly accept the fact that my girlfriend had died. What sucked even more was not knowing until after the paramedics had taken her body was I informed that she was an organ donor. You can only imagine how I felt...

The casket was obviously closed, I don't even think her body was inside. They might've just put it there while her remains were being cremated or turned to ashes.

"Stefan," Tabitha's dad nudged my arm as we got up to go stand by the empty casket. It occurred to me that a child is never asked what they would want at their funeral. Granted, no one would ever consider asking their child that, but looking at the reception and how glum this was, I knew she wouldn't have wanted to be remembered like this.

We all waited outside as people offered their condolences and told me how much she had truly loved me. Essentially stuff I already knew. We had been together for three and a half years, and we're just starting to figure out what would happen when college came around. Seemed like our dreams were going to have to take an alternate course.

My father's hand rested on my shoulder as I felt myself beginning to tear up. I had promised I wouldn't cry, for her sake, but that wasn't going to happen either.

"There's nothing you could've done," my mother whispered to me.

"We could've stayed home," I muttered and wiped my eyes angrily.

"Stefan," my mom began but stopped as I left the service and got in my parent's car. My car had been nothing but totaled after the crash; honestly it was a miracle that I had even survived. It was probably a sin for me to be glad that the driver had died instantly, but that seemed to be the only thing helping me get through this.

Taking another short breath, my broken ribs protested and I settled for panting. God this sucked.

A tapping sounded on the window and I unlocked the door for my parents.

"Do you want anything to eat?" my father asked as we began driving away.

"Not hungry," I mumbled and just continued gazing out towards the trees.

My parents continued their quiet conversation between themselves and figured I'd pay no mind about it. I already had a feeling what it was generally about.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway, I went up to my room and shut the door behind me. Images of the crash were just blinding me to where I couldn't stand anymore.

"I'm sorry Tabitha," I whispered and became consumed with grief.

** Five Days Earlier **

My phone began ringing as I saw my girlfriend was calling me again. I couldn't help but to chuckle at how scatter-brained she was at times.

"What did you forget to tell me this time," I teased her lightly.

She sighed and pretended to act offended, which in my opinion made her all the more cuter, "my bad. Just wanted to remind you to check on the reservations for tonight."

"I will as soon as I hang up love," I assured her.

"Thanks Stefan," she was smiling by the tone of her voice.

"Anything for you Tabby Cat," I ended with her nickname and quickly doubled checked our reservations.There was no particular reason for the date tonight, we had just both decided to treat ourselves with a night out.

Once more, I adjusted my bow-tie and laced my shoes up before going to pick her up. At first we had originally planned to just go dress casual and eat at our favorite restaurant, Tios, but at the last minute we both agreed to fancy it up a bit.

Ringing the doorbell, I stood back and waited anxiously for her to open the door.

Tabitha stepped out in a silver high-low dress with maroon heels. Most girls wouldn't dress with colors that don't typically go, but my girl wasn't afraid to try something new and redefine the definition of fashion.

"You look stunning as always," I kissed her cheek and pushed back a strand of golden hair.

"Thank you," she gazed at me with her violet eyes that had specks of light blue around the edge. Overall my girlfriend was an amazing and humble person, but her eye color was what usually caught people off guard when first meeting her.

"What?" she giggled as I tried to compose myself.

"Nothing, just got lost in your eyes again."

"I figured that's what it was," she teased me and allowed for me to help her into the car.

We never made it to the restaurant that night. A drunk driver had not stopped at the red-light and T-boned us, hitting the side that Tabitha was on. Her eyes had been filled with terror as the paramedics had to bring the jaws of life to pull us from the car.

My girlfriend had died as she entered the ER and was immediately cut open to salvage whatever organs of hers were still working. The doctors had informed me of this once I had awoken from the medication.

Her last conversation played in my mind as the tears began flowing once more.

"Stefan look at me," she whispered as we had waited for the paramedics to arrive.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled while she stroked my cheek.

"Shh," she coughed a few times and wiped the blood that was trickling from her nose, and onto her dress.

"Stefan, I love you."

"I love you too Tabitha, always."

And that's when the lights went out.

**I'm super excited to being this story for you guys! Crazy introduction so far I know, but it gets better! Any thoughts? :) **

In Her EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora