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**Stefan's POV**

I had picked up Blake before we headed over to some seafood place I couldn't even pronounce. He was fidgeting in the car and I eventually grabbed his knee just to make him stop.

"Sorry man, I'm just really nervous."

"You'll be fine, I promise," I let go and continued driving. "How many people will be there tonight anyways?"

"Our family will be at home and waiting so it's just her friends and some of mine."

Okay so nothing too fancy, which I knew was right up Blake's alley.

"Does she have any thoughts on it?"

"I told her it was an early anniversary dinner with some friends."

"Good call."

"Yea," he sighed and held the case in his hand before putting it back in his pocket, "what if she says no?"

I slowed down as we got to a red light and looked at him, "are you serious right now?"

"Yea, like what if she's not ready or something."

I chuckled at Blake's dilemma and tried to act more mature about his feelings, "Blake, she's ready. Have you seen how in love she is with you? Trust me, she'll say yes."

He sighed and mumbled something under his breath as I began driving again once the light turned green.

"And if not, we'll go get drunk," I chuckled as he rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh at the thought of us being drunk off our asses and not remembering why.

When we pulled up to the restaurant, I had the valet parking take my car as we made our way inside. There was some music playing in the background from a pianist and I saw Ella standing to the left with some of her friends.

"Wow," Blake breathed as he checked his pockets one last time to make sure the ring was in there.

Ella turned around and ran over to Blake as she threw her arms around him and they embraced like every other love struck couple does. But I had to say, she looked amazing.

"Hi Stefan," she hugged me gently as I said hello, "you look great Ella."

"Thanks," she blushed and introduced us to some of her friends that we didn't know as well. Most of Blake's friends had just arrived too so we went back up to the hostess to find our seats.

"One sec," Ella said catching Blake's arm, "I told Ash I'd wait for her."

"Where is she?" he asked.

"Bathroom," she sighed and looked at me with a new look in her eyes that I tried not to notice. If it wasn't Blake it was Ella trying to set me up as usual with someone.

A tall red head walked out and headed over to us in a tight silver dress as she looked at Ella and Blake.

The hostess directed us towards our table where we then finished up introductions once sitting down.

I noticed that when I looked up, the girl was sitting across from me. Just looking at her from the side, I saw her flawless complexion and saw just a tint of what seemed to be blue in her eyes.

"Stefan," Blake began as the girl turned and looked at me, "this is Ashley Thrasher. Ash, this is Stefan Godwin."

"Nice to meet you," she smiled and I felt the color slightly drain from my face when I saw her eyes. They were violet, just like Tabitha's...

I stammered a hello and looked down at my menu to try and get my breathing under control as the waiter came and took our drink order. Surely she had color contacts in... she could just be obsessed with the color purple or something. Yea that's it. People do crazy shit like that all the time with tattoos of loved ones, maybe she just had a thing for weird eye color...

The waiter came back with our drinks and the conversation began lightly as everyone just discussed topics on sports or what test we needed to study for that week. The girl next to me then spoke up, I think her name was... Hazel?

"Okay, stupid question Ashley, but are your eyes really purple? Or are they contacts?"

She pursed her lips for a bit, "do you want the story that I tell everyone to impress? Or the actual one?"

"Both?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Well you know that some people with purple eyes have Alexandria Genisis's disease. Meaning their eyes are a violet color and they don't grow hair anywhere except on their head. There's some other perks too if you're a girl. But yea that's what I tell people at first when they ask me."

"Then what's the actual story?"

She looked at Ella and Blake, "well... it's kinda a long one, and I don't want to take away from this night of celebrating with Blake and Ella for their anniversary."

"You can go ahead and tell them," Ella said and whispered, "it's a really incredible story."

Ashley blushed as she started talking, "when I was born, I was pronounced blind. They told me I'd never be able to see. Then later on some doctors told me about a procedure that would potentially give me the hope of one day seeing things, but it would involve a transplant."

I choked on my water right then and there and realized there was no way in hell that this wasn't a coincidence.

Blake hit my back as I covered my mouth and stood up suddenly as I didn't want to hear the rest of the story.

I went into the bathroom and found myself splashing water on my face. This couldn't be possible. I was sitting across from the girl who had my girlfriend's eyes.

**Yay!!!! Yea so they meet pretty quickly, but don't worry it'll get better really soon. I would love to hear feedback from any of you (: <3 **

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