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**Stefan's POV**

I have no idea where I had gone, but Ashley's dad had taken me with him and the wolf...

He said we were going to someplace that would help the wolf. There was nothing else said as I tried to digest why an animal would have purple eyes! It had saved me...

But the weirdest part is, this house that was in the middle of nowhere had a bunch of people! I'm not sure where they came from but they were all there just examining me like a slab of meat... I didn't see what the problem was.

"Stefan?" Ashley's dad beckoned me to follow him to a room upstairs.

"You can go in there,"

"What's in there?" I frowned as the door opened slightly.

"Ash?" I blinked twice as I saw her leg was bandaged and she was looking down at her hands in her lap.

The door shut behind me as I went over to her and held her cheek as she looked at me.

"Hey," she said weakly.

"What's going on? How, why are you hurt?"

"Sit down Stefan," she sighed, "I need to explain some things."

I sat down slowly and tried to meet her eyes as she but her lip, fumbling for the right words.

"Hey," I squeezed her hand, "whatever it is you can tell me. Okay?"

"You wouldn't believe me unless I showed you," she sighed, "but I can't at the moment. Do you know where you are Stefan?"

"Your father said I was at some kind of house that would help the wolf we took back."

"Have you seen the wolf since?"

"No," I began, "but can wolves have different colored eyes?"

"What do you mean?" She spoke softly.

"The one who saved me had eyes... Like yours," I gazed at her as she remained quiet.

"Do you believe in things that sometimes can't be explained, even if you see it with your own eyes?"

"I guess...?" My voice faltered as she sighed.

"The wolf you saw yesterday that saved you, that was me."

Okay I could've figured that much, but wait what? There were actually people who could turn into animals! My mind wasn't sure whether to be impressed by that or terrified.

"So you shapeshift," I assumed.

"No," she began gently, "I just morph into one thing."

"You're a werewolf," I murmured thinking back to when she had said a wolf was her favorite animal... Oh boy.

"Yeah," she rubbed the back of her neck, "I understand if this makes you rethink anything we might've had... It's just, it's already hard enough making friends and all with my condition. Then to add on-top that I'm not completely human..."

I know she was trying to make the situation better but my mind was still reeling on the fact that she can turn into a wolf! How was that even possible? What kind of universe was I living in?

"So your parents and I'm guessing everyone in this place is part wolf?"

"Yes, this is where we have meetings and other things," she looked away as if she were truly ashamed of what she was.

"Hey," I caught her hand in mine, "just give me a few days to digest... This, and then I'll be fine."

"You still want to... Be with me?" She blinked back tears.

"I don't see why not..." I spoke softly.

"Okay," she wiped her eyes and smiled, "take however long you need."

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead, "don't be upset, I promise I'm not leaving you."

She laid her head on my chest and whispered, "thank you Stefan."

Even if I couldn't do anything else to understand her situation fully, I could at least be there for her and promise to stay.

**sorry for the short chapter, but I think I'll just start doing Ashley's POV more often. Thanks guys!! What did you think?**

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