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**Ashley's POV**

"Thank you very much Doctor. Mhm, bye bye," my mother ended the call and touched my arm, "Ashley, are you ready?"

"Ready for what mom?" I asked as she said something to my father.

"We're going to get you some new eyes baby, you'll be able to see," she cleared her throat and I knew she was crying.

"Mom," I touched her cheek, "do we really know if this is going to work or not?"

"This is the latest technology dear, and since these new eyes have healthier cells than your own... it should work."

I shuddered at the thought of someone taking my eyes out from my sockets and placing new ones in. The doctors had called it "reviving your vision," but I didn't see what the point was. This whole procedure was so out of the water not very many had ever considered it.

Not to mention the healing process took a few weeks, so I wouldn't even know if I could see right away.

My parents had always told me that my eyes were a light hazel with some flecks of grey. That seemed pretty to me, but then again I had no idea what color hazel was. I did know that there were dark and light colors but I had only seen black for the past seventeen years. Kinda sucked that I would never get to see my real eye color on me at least.

Why should I be complaining though, I was going to be given the chance to see! I was now getting the opportunity of a lifetime. Nothing could stand in my way of becoming a doctor or lawyer if I got my vision.

"I have a meeting with the council, so I'll return in time to see you come out of surgery," my dad kissed my forehead.

"Okay dad," I smiled weakly. my parents were both on the committee board for our community. It was a very strenuous and time consuming ordeal you could say.

"Let's go ahead and go Ash," my mother relayed to me.

"How long do you think it will take?" I asked nervously.

"Couple hours maybe," she paused, "but don't worry sweetie, I'll be waiting for you when you come out."

"Thanks mom," I squeezed her hand.

"Age?" the nurse asked me and took my blood pressure.

"Seventeen," I mumbled quietly.


"Ashley Thrasher."


"Five... six?"

The nurse set the clipboard down as the door opened.

"Here's my star," my eye doctor said patting my shoulder, "how are we today Ashley?"

"Good, just a bit nervous."

"That's natural dear," Dr. Noose said gently, "just think that you're taking a really long nap. About six hours or so."

"Six hours?" my mother said in alarm.

"That's normal for a transplant," Dr. Noose said, "we have to make sure that the eyes are essentially disabled properly then we have to administer medication to help the body adjust. You won't feel any pain until the day after, but it'll just feel like a headache so nothing major."

"Plus the first hour while you're in surgery we're stabilizing your vitals and making sure you're out," the nurse added.

No one said anything as I tried to digest all this information. There was one question still in my mind that hadn't been answered.

"Dr. Noose, what's the likelihood of this procedure actually coming out successful?"

"So far there's been twenty-six surgeries and twenty-four have been successful. One is still in the healing stage and the other had an underlying health condition we weren't aware of."

Okay so the statistics weren't bad or anything but there's always a first time for everything.

"We wouldn't have told you about this procedure if we didn't think you were eligible."

"That's right sweetie," my mom replied.

"Okay," I sighed and allowed the nurse to lead me down a different hallway. My mom's footsteps followed some distance behind us.

Part of me wanted to just refuse and have someone else take the operation, but this was probably the only time I would ever get the chance.

"Okay lay back for me now Ashley," the nurse said and took my blood pressure again.

I slowly reclined in the chair and tapped my finger on the armrest to the beat of "classic." At least they weren't telling me to shut my eyes or anything...

"Okay once we've administered the anesthesia, we'll wait awhile before operating," Dr. Noose explained and checked the tubes in my arms.

"Okay," I replied in a calm voice.

The nurse and doctor kept moving around in the small room while being careful as to not pull out any tubes from me.

"How do you feel Ash?" The nurse asked and patted my arm.

"Fine, not tired yet."

"Count down from... Fifteen," Dr. Noose mused.

I settled for counting in my head as a swivel chair was pulled up.

Fifteen... fourteen... thirteen...

The sound of gloves being tugged on distracted me for a second before I went back to counting.

Twelve... Eleven... Ten...

The music on the radio was changed to some oldies station as I tried to fight the sleep that was falling over me.

Nine... Eight... Seven...

"Almost there," someone whispered and I felt myself falling asleep as I continued counting down.

Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

**Anyone's thoughts so far on the story? It's interesting maybe? I think it's one of my most interesting ideas yet!! Enjoy the update**

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