twelve: is it official?

Start from the beginning

I put my arm up to his face behind me, rubbing his cheek before placing my hand on his chin and forcing his face away from me.

"C'mon." I say, grabbing his hand and my coat from the floor and walking out the building.

After Eating - At the Cooper House

As we sit in the car outside my house, he steps out, opening the door for me and holding my hand as I get out.

"I had an amazing time tonight, Juggie." I say, walking towards my front door.

He smiles, his eyes scanning my face. "Me too, Betts."

He pulls me to the space between my house and Archie's... or I guess it counts as his house too.

I giggle from his harsh pull as he leans against the brick of my house.

I smile, resting my body against his and playing with the flaps of his beanie. "You know how you were my first kiss?" I ask.

"Yeah?" he says rubbing my back.

"Thanks." I say. "I couldn't have asked for a better one."

"Well, it was my pleasure." he says over-dramatically.

I bite my lip, leaning in to kiss him again. He pulls on my bottom lip, and I feel his teeth break through skin.

"Fuck." I pull away from the sharp pain, although I kinda liked it.

His eyes widen in worry, "Shit, Betty, I'm so sorry," he caresses my lip.

"Don't worry." I wipe it.

I shiver a bit from the cold breeze.

"You cold again?" he asks.

"A little."

I notice him reach for his beanie, pulling it off and placing it on my head.

"Perfect." he smiles, adjusting the hat.

"I thought you said you never take this off."

"I also said I might one day, for the right person."

I smile widely, pulling his face to mine. I suddenly feel his hand grip the back of my thighs, lifting me up. He turns us around, putting me against the brick wall as he pushes my chin up with his fingers, sucking my neck once again, it must be something he enjoys - and it's quickly become one of my favourite feelings as well.

I clench my fingers through his hair on the back of his head. "Jug"

A light above us flashes, stealing our attention. I look up and so does Jughead, finding Archie making kissy faces at us before Jughead puts up his middle finger and putting me down. Archie laughs before walking away.

"Well, I should go inside."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nod eagerly, "Yeah."

"Night, Betts." he says, walking towards his house as I walk towards mine.

The Girl Next Door - A Bughead FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now