Chapter 23 ~ Sage

Start from the beginning

He rubs a hand over his face as if he can't believe he is actually telling me this.

"My family obviously isn't the wealthiest and money has always been a problem, even when my dad was still around. A few years ago I decided I wanted to help. I had been approached by an older kid at school who had watched me fight with another dude at lunch once. Don't ask me why we were fighting because I honestly don't remember. Anyways this guy said he knew a place where I could go to improve my fighting and fight others for money. I didn't even consider it to begin with. I didn't want to make getting into fights a frequent occurrence but one night my mum and dad had this huge fight about money. I just remember sitting in my bedroom and thinking how can I put an end to this?" His green eyes flicker with pain as he reminisces on the fight, but he is quick to cover it up.

"So I approached the guy at school the next day and he gave me all the details. He hooked me up with a manager who organised some fights for me. I was shit, to begin with. I didn't begin winning until weeks later, but I was determined and never gave up. Mum found out though and was furious. So was Brett. Luckily, she never told dad or I would have been in deep shit. When we found out about Dad's affair, she begged me to stop. I didn't want to, not because I was addicted but because we needed the money then more than ever. But I stopped anyway because mum felt like she was losing both of us simultaneously." He winces as I run a cotton pad over his wound, trying to clean it.

I can't believe Chase started illegal fighting at such a young age to earn money for his family. I couldn't imagine what he had had to endure.

"I hated fighting with a passion. Still do," He sighs running a hand through his hair. He gazes off into the distance as if he is stuck in another world. "But mum has been unemployed for months, seems like nobody wants to employ the suspect's mother. Money was at a new time low and I didn't know what to do so I went back. Even though I'd been away for over a year as soon as I stepped into the ring everything came back to me. Since going back I haven't lost a fight. Well, that is until tonight," He says painfully.

"What happened?" I ask. My voice seems to bring him back to reality, snapping him out of his trance.

"Brett was there," He says eyes blazing with anger.

"What?" I choke out.

"He was there, watching the fight. It threw me completely off guard and I just couldn't do it," He says sighing helplessly.

What? Why was Brett watching Chase's fight? Well, at least it means he is still alive.

"Did you talk to him?" I ask, my voice coming out strained.

"Yeah, I ran out and confronted him. I don't even remember what was said. It's all a blur. But I definitely got mad at him. I remember he said he was sorry and he was trying to fix it but he couldn't go back. Couldn't go back to his family," He sighs rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean he couldn't go back to his family?" I ask, looking up at Chase.

"His parents were obsessed with image Sage. Still are. They always wanted him to be the perfect kid, no mistakes allowed, perfect grades only. His mum was nice but his dad was terrible. After the affair, it only increased in severity. Brett's dad feared his life was falling apart. He went out of his way to ensure the three of them appeared the same happy family they had always been to the public eye. The affair broke Brett and I's friendship but the need for perfection that that family had is what really destroyed it, shattering it at the core. His dad never liked me because I brought out the real Brett," he shrugs. His face is blank, trying to hide any sign of emotions but I can feel deep down that he is still sad, hurt and mad.

I reach out to him, placing my hand on his arm and giving it a squeeze.

He turns his head to me but before either of us can do anything I hear a familiar sound. The sound of my father's keys in the front door. My eyes widen with alarm. He said he wouldn't be home until later the next day. I guess it technically is the next day but 1 am isn't my idea of late.

I grab Chase's arm, pulling him out of the bathroom, making sure to turn the light off as I go. I drag him into my room just as I hear the front door swing open. I quickly and quietly close my door. I look at Chase's face. For once the boy looks slightly worried, probably at the thought of getting caught.

"Hide in there," I whisper. "Don't make a sound and don't come out until I tell you to."

I don't even wait for a response before shoving him into my wardrobe and diving into my bed. Not daring to make a sound as I hear my dad shuffle around in the kitchen. 


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