Chapter 21

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Barry and I were talking to joe when Captain Singh came.

"Where is Thawne?" Captain asks. Coming up to us.

"He took some personal time." Joe says.

"Yeah, Eddie's been going through some stuff, Captain." I say.

"Yeah, aren't we all?" Barry and I look at each other. "You got anything on these gold store robberies?" He questions. "Perps hit two more in the last week, and we still got nothing."

"We're working on it, sir." Barry says.

"Just waiting on some final results from the lab." I say.

"All right, well, pick up the pace. And see if somebody can contact The Flash and Lambent. Maybe they can help speed things up." He orders. We all look at each other. "You know what I mean. Get going." He says then leaves.

"Anything?" Joe asks.

"No. I mean, we've looked everywhere." Barry admits.

Joe sighs. "Keep looking."

"Of course. Yeah." I say. "I'm gonna head out." I say.

"Okay, we'll be careful, please." Joe says.

"Always." I say and give joe a hug, then Barry.


I went home, just to think of everything that happened. With Wells.

I mean, everything that he told me was basically a lie. A full on lie. Then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I ask answering the phone.

"Scarlett, there's a robbery going on. Barry needs your help." Cisco says worried.

"I'll be right there." I say. And get my suit and run over.

When I get there Barry is on the ground. "Barry!" I say and run over to him and help him up. "Are you okay?!" I ask.

"Yeah, Yeah Im fine. Let's just go to STAR labs." He says and runs. And I follow.


When we get there, Barry sits on the medical bed and Caitlin check him. "Your eye movement is normal. No signs of neurological damage." Caitlin says.

"Do you think the thief might have been a meta-Human who put the whammy on you? Or something of that matter?" I ask.

"I-I don't know. When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger. But this was not that. This was overwhelming fear." Barry says.

"Hmm. Looks like when you went down, the thief got disoriented too." Cisco says looking at the footage of Barry.

"Maybe we both got whammied." Barry says.

"Then you know how it feels." We hear someone say. We all look out to see iris, Barry and i Are In our suits. She walks up to Barry and I. "Hi, Barry. Hi, Scarlett. Or should I say The Purple Lambent, And The Flash?"

Barry and I look at each other. Then we go into the treadmill room.

"Iris... i—wait. How did you find out?" I ask as Barry walks around the room nervously.

"When I touched The Flash the other night, I felt a jolt of electricity. The only other time I have ever felt anything like that was when Barry was in a coma after the accident." Iris says.

I look at Barry and slap his chest. "I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner."

"I can only imagine how angry you are." Barry says.

Lost In Between(Harrison Wells Fan-Fiction) BOOK 1| COMPLETED|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن