Chapter 17

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I was walking around Central City Park, just taking a day off. Kids everywhere, laughter. I look up and see cute little boxes, with parachutes attached to them.

"How cute!!" I say to myself as I stare up.

All of a sudden one lands, and it explodes. "It's not cute, it's a bomb!" I say to myself. I feel the worry come up inside me. I feel the lighting inside my veins. Everyone starts to run.

I run to STAR labs and get my suit. Then I run back to the park. "Go! Go! Go!" I tell everyone. I look around a see a man yelling.

"Henry?!" He yells. I look around and I see a little boy. He's about to catch a bomb. "Henry!"

I run as fast as I can and grab him before the bomb explodes. I run him over to his father. "Henry!" The father says hugging him.

"Henry, nice name!" I tell him. Then I speed off.


I run into STAR labs to see everyone looking a video of a guy. Harrison looks at me, with worry.

"Tricked ya." He chuckles. "Look who's back. My tricks. My treat. But I'll give you something good to eat. Today's special. A city in ashes. The trickster proudly welcomes you all to the new disorder." The creep guy says.

"Talking in the third person. That's never a good sign." Cisco says.

"You're just mad because he named himself." Caitlin says.

"Actually, He didn't. 20 years ago, Central City was hit by a series of terrorist attacks. One man killed at least ten civilians, two cops. That guy called himself The Trickster." Joe says.

Cisco brings up a photo. "Whoa. Someone was rocking the unitard." He says.

"James Jesse? Like Jesse James, only more twisted?" I ask joe. He nods.

"Where is this Mr.Jesse now?" Harrison says.

"He's serving serval life sentences at iron heights. He was just about the most dangerous thing Central City has ever seen." Joe says.

"You mean until the Particle accelerator blew up." Barry says.

I stand up straight. "Excuse me...?" I say crossing my arms.

"Um..." Harrison says.

"Barry, Scarlett and I will go see this James Jesse at Iron Heights. See if he can give us something that can help us catch his groupie." Joe says. And Barry walks out.

I didn't hear anything joe said, I was just standing there. What in the fuck is going on with Barry?...

"I'll analyze the video and see if I can figure out the source." Cisco says.

"Hey, Joe. Is Barry doing all right? He seems cranky." Harrison says.

"Even The Flash wakes up on the wrong side of the bed some mornings. He's fine. Scarlett, you coming? Scarlett?"

"Huh what?" I finally snap out of my little doze off. "Oh, no. No. I'm gonna rest, I'm pretty beat. I'm sorry." I say.

"No, no. You're fine." Joe says before leaving.


a few hours later I come back to STAR labs. Where we all see the video The trickster posted.

"This was posted a few hours ago. Whoever this trickster is, he's certainly not shy." Harrison says. I sit beside side him behind the desk. Everyone else is standing.

"Well, not every criminal likes to hide in the dark." Barry comments. everyone stares at him.

"Cisco, Can you trace where the video was posted from?" Joe tries to change the subject. I just keep eye contact with Barry.

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