Chapter 6

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Me and Barry see what Iris posted on her blog so we went to talk to her in disguise, of course.

"You're Welcome." Barry says.

"It's you! The girl with purple lighting. And also how did you?"

I wave at her. Barry pushes me a little.

"I literally just hit send."

"Speed reading." I say.

"It's crazy what you two can do with you voices."

She tries to her close so we run away.

"You need to stop writing your blog." Barry says.

"People need to know that you two exist." Her phone buzzes. She decline the call.

"What else can you two do?"

We run away once more.

"This is not an interview."

"Come on, you two have to give me something. Hobbies, pet peeves, favorite color. Wait scratch that last one. Red and purple, duh, obviously."

"You're not hearing us."

"My hearing is fine. It's just selective. What should I call you two?"

We run behind her.

"Anything but the 'streaks'" Barry says

"Yeah, those are so lame and they don't sound to great." I say.

"Fine. Suggestions?"

"You said you were writing about us to bring hope to someone you care about. How would he feel if doing that put you in harm's way?" Barry says.

"He and I aren't exactly on the same page these days."

"Oh really." I say looking at Barry giving him the 'You didn't tell me' look.

"Besides, you're giving hope to a lot of people, so I'm doing this for them."

We here sirens in the background and I tap him to tell him we have to go.

"To be continued. We gotta run." Barry says before picking up iris and putting her back inside.

Barry and I speed over to the place that's full of cops.

"Barry that kid!"

"Got it." He speeds over and saves the kid before he got hit by a car.

We then run after the car. we stand in front of the car. The car turns to stop.

"Step out of the vehicle." I say.

"If you say so." The guy tears the door out. He looks like he's gonna throw it at us.

"Uh-oh." Barry and I say. Before we knew it he threw the door and we Dodge it with our speed. Barry runs up and punches him. I didn't work. So I try. I brake my hand.

Lost In Between(Harrison Wells Fan-Fiction) BOOK 1| COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now