Chapter 3

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Iris, Barry and I were hanging out at the movies. We watched a zombie movie.

"Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight." Barry says.

"Hey, Hey, Zombie movie scale, it was, like a a four tops." I say

"Yeah, it was pretty lame!" Barry says.

"There's a zombie movie scale?" Iris asks us.

"Did you know that zombies exist in nature?" I say.

"Yeah, there's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts. We're going full nerds again, aren't we?" Barry says.

"Yep." Iris responds.

"Yeah." I say.

"It's okay though. You two are still the cutest nerds that I know." Iris says.

"Anyway, I'm a lot more Interested in the amazing as of late." Iris says.

"You mean cause of the 'streaks' thing?" Barry says.

"There out there. People are talking about them." Iris defends.

"How do you in know the gender?" I ask

"The red streak is a man and the purple streak is a women." Iris says.

"And How could you possibly know that?" I ask.

"Yeah. Maybe it's the opposite!" Barry says.

"Nope. The red streak is a man and the purple is a women. End of discussion!" Iris says.

"Someone even posted a picture after being yanked from a car accident. It's a red and purple blue leaving the scene. Here what do you two see?" Iris says while showing us her phone. Suddenly Eddie calls.

"I see your boyfriends calling." I say.

"Oh. I should probably get this. I'm crashing at his place tonight, and he's supposed to leave a key for me somewhere." Iris says.

Barry phone rings he puts it on speaker.


"Code 237 on waid boulevard." Cisco says

Me and Barry look at each other. "Public indecency?" Barry says

"Wait, I think I meant a 239."

"Dog leash violation?" I ask.

"Bad man with a gun in a getaway car. Go!" Caitlin says.

Me and Barry speed off. Barry took the man out of the car and i parked it to make sure it would crash into anything. Then ran back to iris. Just in time before she turn around.

"Eddie says hi." Iris says.

"How nice of him." I said.

"wanna grab a bite? I'm feeling a little famished." Barry says.

"Same, I'm starving." I said In agreement.

Lost In Between(Harrison Wells Fan-Fiction) BOOK 1| COMPLETED|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang