Chapter 12

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Scarlett's POV

I was spending time with Stephanie tonight, watching movies and eating pizza.

"I love spending nights like this with you." Stephanie says cuddled up to me.

"Yeah, me too."

She leans in a begins to kiss me. She got on top of me. She wrapped her arms around me and started to take my shirt off.

"Oh hey, would you look at that." I say ending the kiss. "It's midnight, we should get some rest."

"Later, for right now...let's go to the bedroom." She says with a smirk.


I wake up and see some text messages from Barry. I look around and see Stephanie asleep. I speed change and leave a note for her. Then I left to the crime scene.


I enter iron heights. I enter and see joe and Barry.

"Hey!" I say walking up to them.

"Hey you." Barry says with a smile.

They both give me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"The security cameras in half the prison are shut down. Then Clay Parker, according to this data log, who was still locked in his cell, somehow vanishes." Joe informs us.

"Not completely." Barry says. I look at him with confusion. He shows joe and I a tube filled with some type of goo.

"Wow!" I say. I take the tube from Barry and examine it.

"What's that?" Joe asks.

"It's some kind of-."

"Organic particulate residual." I cut Barry off.

"Yeah, I found it on the floor in here, just outside the cell, out in the hallway. Trail led me all the way outside." Barry says with a smile.

"This is so awesome!" I say with amazement.

All of a sudden Barry gets a huge smile on his face. Joe and I turn around and see Henry.

"Dad." Barry says with a huge smile. He walks over to him and grabs Henry's hand.

Joe has a huge smile on his face. Henry looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

"So...word around here is, Parker pulled a Shawshank?" Henry says to us.

"Yep, and none of the other prisoners heard or saw anything." Joe says.

"Well, they wouldn't talk to you about it." Henry reply's.

"Leaves us with not a lot to go on." Barry says.

"Well, if there's anyone who can figure out how Parker got out of here, it's the both of you, Scarlett and Barry." Henry says with smile. Barry and I smile to him.

"Come on, Allen, lets go." The prison guard says to Henry.

"Duty calls." Henry says before being taken away.

Lost In Between(Harrison Wells Fan-Fiction) BOOK 1| COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now