Hitting a bump in the road

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Stella's pov: it's been a couple days since the incident at work where Kelly kind of push me away. Right now I'm getting the rest of my uniform on for work and so is foster and she starts talking to me.

EF= those are the best is there any place you can get those besides the commissary that guy is such a weirdo

S= oh that's Denys you know if you ask him to explain the difference between the inner layer in the outer layer of bunker gear he would love you forever ( start walking out towards the kitchen  when Kelly enters the locker room to change) he might even give you a fleece on the house
EF= that's good to know
K= morning
EF= hey I'll see you out there (Emily walks away so it's just Stella and  Kelly in the locker room.)
S= how did it all go
K= good I took the rest of Benny's stuff to Goodwill on Saturday then spent yesterday on the couch. Hey so the Blackhawks are at home tomorrow night what do you say we go to a game get some dinner first?
S= yeah
K= yeah
S= well actually I was going to ask you tomorrow too Tyler texted me
K= Tyler?
S= and he's in Town he's trying to close a deal on the football prospect and so I was thinking that we could all go out get drinks dinner whatever town you Kelly you'd like him
K= not interested
S= seriously you're still hung up on this ( Stella just walks away from Kelly as Matt walks into the locker room)
MC= everything okay
K= yeah everything is perfect

General pov: It's the start of shift and they haven't gotten a call yet but Cruz gets a call from his girlfriend Chloe saying she's on her way and she wants to stop by and get everybody donuts. As she on the phone with Cruz she gets into a car accident. In the whole firehouse decides to go find her and make sure she's OK.  Once they get to the accident site they find her and have to have a helicopter come in and bring her to med because how bad she's hurt. Boden takes Cruz to med to make sure Chloe's OK whilw everybody else cleans up the accident and make sure everybody else is OK. Once they clean up the accident everybody in the firehouse goes over to med to check on Chloe.  They find out that she needs surgery and Cruz tells them to go back to the firehouse and not worry about it so everybody heads back to the firehouse.

                                           Back at the firehouse
Stella's pov: we are back at the house ready for my calls to come in. I feel bad and I walked away from Callie this morning but he just seems like he's been acting very jealous since Tyler came into town the first time so maybe I'll ask him next time I see him. I see him so go talk to him
S= hey have you talk to Cruz
K= yeah he seemed pretty upbeat I told him to take the rest of the shift can't stay at med
S= that's great. Kelly this morning if I got defensive it's just because ( Stella see Tyler walk into the firehouse) Tyler what are you doing here
Ty= yeah well you never responded to my text about dinner so I just figured I'd swing by
S= right
Ty= (to Kelly) how's it going man
K= all good
Ty= so are we on for tomorrow or what
S= well I don't know because of a scheduling thing
K= (Kelly starts to walk away) do what you want I'll be at the game
Ty= so you need his permission
S= of course not
Ty= you sure he's the one that stopped you from coming to lake house last time
S= look he has just been in a bad place lately his dad everything you know. He's not a jealous guy (Tyler had a look on his face) what
Ty= yeah he seem pretty damn jealous of me last time I was here he got right up in my face
S= what?
Ty= I came here to say goodbye and your man there said I better step back Stella I know what you went through a grant the truth is you barely made it out of that marriage alive
S= Kelly is not Grant
Ty= OK just know that I care about you I don't ever wanna see you go through anything like that again.
Once Tyler said that I say I will texted him later and get to the bottom of this and I said good bye to him. I said goodbye to Tyler I went and found Kelly and ask him what the fuck Tyler is talking about because I didn't think Kelly would do that.
S= did you threaten Tyler
K= what the hell are you talking about
S= when he came here looking for me before the lake house trip you got in his face did you why didn't you tell me that
K= he's really got you wound up over this doesn't he
S= Tyler's not the problem
K= how are yeah he's the problem he's been trying to make an end one allowed me to get to you since day one and I know you're not blind which leaves me with two options either you don't want to mitt that I'm right or you're leading him on
S= wow what this jealousy possessive thing that you're doing I don't respond of that just so you know and it has got to end it's gotta to end now or else we do ( Stella just walks out of Kelly's office)

I walk out of Kelly's office I go to the bathroom and collect myself and clean myself up because I hated that I gave him an ultimatum but something has changed Tyler's came with Kelly and I can't put my finger on it

Kelly's pov: what the hell just happened I never got an Tyler's face he's whining and I can't believe we just had a fight this big where she told me this stuff needs and or else we do it I can't do that I care so much about Stella that I don't wanna lose her.  For now I'm going to go look for Matt and ask his advice on this stuff with Stella . He's in the meeting room so I knocked on the door.
K=throwing up the bat signal
MC= I am right behind you
(They had outside the fire house and smoke some cigars and talk)
K= I don't know I have this feeling like I want to work things I know I want to do it but I can't stop myself
MC= you mean with kidd
K= my whole life it's like I've been told buy this current whenever I try to turn around swim against it it just carries me along anyways
MC= doesn't mean you quit fighting
K= people are always saying it takes a special breed to be a firefighter and the more I think about it the more I think that we doesn't find happiness outside firehouse.
MC= then how do you explain Hermann and Cindy, boden and Donna and Mouch and trudy it could be done it takes work but it can be done

I just finish my cigar and talking to Matt and thinking about everything he said you may be talking to Stella might help if I just open up to her right now I'm gonna focus on my job for the day and talk to her after shift.

                                        The  end of shift 
It's the end of shift  and I was going to talk to Stella probably later on tonight but then I see her walking out the firehouse so  I catch up to her
K= Stella I never threaten Tyler just so you know
S= is that an apology
K= you said I was being jealous I'm explaining I never threatened  that guy
S= Kelly you got to stop making this about Tyler I've seen let's go try since you know me I don't know what you're fighting whatever it is isn't him what is going on
  ( Kelly just walks away from stella)

S= so thats it
K= I don't know what you want for me

I just walk away because she still believing  Tyler side of his story and not believing what I'm saying that I didn't do what Tyler said I did so I just let her cool down and maybe text her later when I get home and maybe she'll show up at my place who knows.

Stella's pov: I don't know what to do anymore with this whole situation with Kelly and Tyler because I want to bow to get along I want to have a good time and my best friend and my boyfriend but somethings going on I just want to get to the bottom of it why is my life so hard sometimes.
                                                        Later  at night

Kellys pov: it's late at night I decided to stay home and watch the game on my TV instead of going to the game itself and I'm just sitting there thinking to myself I wish this whole situation just Saulet yourself because I miss hanging out with next thing I know a knock comes at the door. I think it's Stella until I open the door and realize I ordered a pizza. I take the pizza from the pizza guy and shut the door and just go inside and eat my pizza.

   Stella's pov: I decided to go hang out with Tyler tonight and have drinks since we don't hang out at all because we live in two different cities but thinking about everything that Tyler told me everything that Kelly's told me I don't know what to think anymore maybe Tyler is lying maybe Kelly is I'll figure it out sooner or later because I just want to go back to my happy place in love with Kelly and be friends of Tyler at the same time.

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