My  fiancé

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Kelly's pov: it's been about 24 hours since I asked Stella  to marry m, I ended up proposing  in the middle of a fire maybe  it wasn't the best decision but I just knew when she said" i'm never gonna leave you don't you know that I know" Then I can't wait any longer to do it so course she said yes after I got down on one knee ever since We got home we have just been in a happy little bubble today is the morning or night shift as I let Stella continue getting ready to go out to the kitchen and see that Matt is out there

K= is that your uncle Rolex
MC= yup
K= you're going to wear it, sell it
MC= not sure yet been thinking a lot about this watch my uncle carried it around for 50 years out of his wife died
K= faithful
MC= he was lonely his whole life when mom will take me and Christie to his house the only memory I have of him is a sad man sitting in a Barca lounge, Gin and tonic in his hand staring at a TV without really watching. Just waiting around for 50 years to die I think uncle Jake was sending me a " don't wait around like I did get out there and live" um I told but how I Brett how I feel I just laid it all out there
K= yeah and
MC= and nothing yet I think I gave her a lot to think about
K= thanks so so you wait
MC= yeah all I could do anyways speaking of " get out there and live" I saw the way you and Kidd were looking at each other
K= uh I might have done something
MC= oh ( laughs) I knew it ( hugs him ) man proud of you brother
K= thank you ( Stella comes out )
MC= (sees Stella ). Come on ( pulls her into a hug) did you say yes
S= well what was I going to do I mean he had those puppy dog eyes and I could not have said no because it would have crushed him ( kiss )

We tell Matt a little more details about how the proposal went down while  we are finishing getting ready for work. Then we head off to work and arrive within 20 minutes

K= i'm gonna go catch up with Boden before the briefing

I go talk to the chief because I think I got a wait that I can tell everyone  we are engaged. About 10 minutes later it was time for the morning meeting

CB= okay settle down settle down severide is there something you had something that you wanted to stay at the top 
K= yeah thanks cheif  okay  I have spring cleaning assignments ( they all groan) yeah I know I know calm down just the apparatus floor Capp, Tony
HC= oh protester lodged
K= noted.. uh Gallo, Ritter you guys clean the kitchen and I want it spotless okay ( thumbs up from them) and let me see cleaning out the storage closet is ...,um ( starts looking around  and  points at Stella) my fiancé  ( everyone takes the second and then realizes what I just said  
CB= ( hits him) damm fool 

Everyone starts chewing and clapping for us and then they all start hugging us

SB= uh hey what's going on
BG= um Kidd and severide are engaged
SB= oh honey I'm so happy for you ( hugs)
S= thank you

The bells go off the truck and emails to go to a crash while me and the squad guys head to the kitchen to start making sandwiches for us and maybe everyone else.

HC= never thought I'd see it happen ladies legend Kelly severide hanging Up his spurts
K= when are you going to find a woman Capp
HC= what's that supposed to mean
K= it means maybe you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about
HC= it's so happens I have a girl Mazie
K= uh- huh is she... invisible
HC= no I am damn sure not gonna bring her around you bunch of degenerates.
TF= okay I think we're gonna need to see some proof of mazie
CZ= i'll tell you what you can invite her to the baby shower on Saturday
HC= hmm when did you  say
CZ= Saturday
HC= Uh I think she's traveling
AS= oh
HC= hold on but you know what do you know what I'll check with her because I think she'd like that
K= sure traveling
HC= well she is

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