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Stella's POV: everything has been going great with work and Kelly so that's good we just do I don't work and we started walking towards the kitchen
S= so I bought a scratch and win ticket one of those where are you match The exploding bomb  to the target
K= okay
S= I lost
K= sorry to hear that
S= I never win those things I mean not even when the prize is another scratch off ticket
CB= sevride  Van meter called there's a new lieutenant at OFI he sending over to talk to you today
K= uh about the arson case
CB= I assume so he didn't give any details
( the bells go off)

We get called to a hostage situation by the police officers. What happened was a crazy ex-boyfriend and the ex-girlfriend got in a fight and it turned bad when he pulled a gun out on her and was holding her hostage. The cops try to negotiate with him to let her go but he gave up and through the phone that he was talking to him on out the window so the police decide to try to teargas him but that didn't work and ended up making it where it was smoke in the apartment. Kelly came up with the idea of having him and Matt repell  down the building to save the victim. The chief agreed and I went up with Kelly Casey Gallo , Capp  And Tony. Once Tony and Capp Got the ropes anchor down in a spot on the work me in Gallo each coach mat or Kelly and I automatically chose to help Kelly to tie the rope to them to get them ready to do it they need to do

S= don't get shot

Kelly give me to not let me understand what I'm saying and him and Matt start to lower them self down within two minutes they were able to save the victim and was able to help the cops to get the ex boyfriend who had the gun. 

Kelly's POV:
we just did a rescue of a woman that was held hostage by her ex-boyfriend we got the Cubs like normal once we got back to the firehouse I went into the common room to write some stuff down on the whiteboard when all the sudden somebody knocks on the door
K= yeah
WS= Lieutenant Severide
K= yeah
WS= hi I'm Lieutenant Wendy Seager  from OFI
K= good to meet you
WS= same here Captain Van-meter told me about your work on the south bell arson  it was pretty impressive
K= team Effort
WS= well I did a little digging and found out you done lots of great work on arson case is just like your dad did
K= how can I help you Lieutenant
WS= well I new to OFI  but the main reason they brought me in was to help clear a backlog of cases I told Vanmeter that with the right  team I could do it i'd love for you to come work with us severide
K= ( laughs) I appreciate the offer but I'm happy where I am
WS= yeah I thought you might say that but maybe take a little more than a half a second to think about it I mean this will just be a detailed doesn't have to last forever and you know how challenging and fun fire investigation can be
K= I respect the work that OFI does I do but for me the squad is home this morning we rappelled down east side of a building to rescue a hostage it's going to be pretty hard to beat
WS=  Okay well thanks for hearing me out ( she starts to walk out)
K= mm-hmm
WS=  you're expression when I introduce myself I've.. i've seen it a lot in the CFD I mean people are always surprised by how young I am to have this rank but there's a reason I made Lieutenant by the time I was 28 I don't give up easily ( she walks away )

I get why she came to me but I don't ever see myself behind a desk or ever leaving 51 I love being a firefighter she can try her best but I will never leave 51 to work at OFI

Stella's POV: right now I'm hanging with the girls trying to scratch off another ticket to see what I win while I listen about if Brett  might be going on a date with somebody

it's not a date late drinks or dinner is a date but lunch that's daytime which means it's professional
S= I need carrots to win but I keep getting those little green things what are these apples
EF= that's broccoli girl
SB= does anybody care about my crisis
S= i'm sorry I do but it's just that the guy at the deli said that this is the game that people seem to win the most,. If it's just the two of you it's a date
SB= ugh really
EF= I don't know lunch doesn't really say romance to me and it definitely doesn't say sex
S= i'm going to have to disagree with you there
EF= what is so long with a date anyways
SB= I just got out of an engagement I'm not ready to start dating again
S= that was months ago ancient history
EF= yeah it's time for you to get back out there and Ryan is pretty cute
S= yeah
EF= for a do-Gooder
SB= no I'm gonna cancel
S= damn it
SB= sorry it's just
S= no it's not you uh I just scratch my last box and it's tomatoes so I lost again ( I walk away)

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