Helping a friend move pasted the hard part

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General pov: it's been about a month since Stella and Kelly got back from their honeymoon so far nobody has came after them their married life has been good about two week ago the whole firehouse gets called to a movie theater fire everything was going good until the part of the building where Hawkins went to help an elderly man get out of danger all of sudden collapsed and sadly he died so the whole firehouse gather around Violet to be there for her

SB= Hi
S= hey is the floater as bad as you thought
SB= worst he's obsessed with manga witch I have no idea what that even is but he's informed me that rengoku's death in demon slayer Mugen train had to happen for the plot of the demon slayer " series to work and he's pretty worked up about it
S= oh god 
SB= yeah I'm not leaving the locker room until the bells go off ....have you heard from Violet
S= just a thank you text for my message after the funeral brief you
SB= same the funeral was heartbreaking that speech Evan big brother have almost killed me I wish there was as more we could do for  her
S= I know I did have a thought  about a couple things we could send to her place maybe to cheer her up a little
SB= yeah I like the sound of that 

Before they could finish talking, the bills go off for ambulance to go to a call about a little boy trapped underneath a whole lot of sand. Bowden in squad three gets a little boy out just in time. , when Brett gets back, she lets everyone know what has been happening with Violet and how the higher ups are letting her take as long as she wants off of work, which then spark something in Kelly to maybe go talk to her, then, Stella and Sylvie figure out some things to send a violet to cheer up, which one of the things was some wine and some more alcohol later on in the shift Stella has a job for Carver

S= Carver got a little job for you
SC= great
S= it's time to repaint the compartment interiors
SC= okay
S= you still got 12 hours till the end of shift
SC= 12 hours to tackle what 20 compartment that I have to empty out paint repack
S= well you scrub first then paint
SC= in Gallo can't pitch in because
S= because Carver it's your turn
S= Lieutenant, am I being punished for something?
S= no but once you're finished, she will know how the truck is organized forward and backwards
SC= great

Now it's the end of shift in the morning in first shift is starting to come in

FJ= hey look at that second shift repainting the compartments
SC= one side anyways I'll have to hit the other side next  shit unless you guys want to take care of it
FJ= I'  say no thanks
SC= can't say I blame him
BG= how's it all going?
SC= just fine
BG= if you need a hand next shift
SC= thanks but Lieutenant was pretty clear. She doesn't want you helping What is her deal?
BG= what do you mean
SC= I just got this feeling she is riding my ass for no reason and I'm wondering if it's the kind of thing she does a lot of power play you know
BG= if she's making you do something there's a reason
SC= what's the story with her and Severeide they've been together a long time
BG= yeah why
SC= just curious
BG= Kidd's as good as a lieutenant as you'll find anywhere see you next shift cover

Play quacks away from Carver. After that weird conversation he had Kelly then decides that he should check on violet himself and give her some advice. ( at violets place)

K= can I come in?
V= I'm really bad company right now but( kelly comes in) let me guess Stella is stuck working at Molly said she sent you to bring me a beer and try to cheer me up
K= ( laughs) no this is my idea I wanted to tell you about a girlfriend I had before your time at 51 Anna
V= yes, Stella has told me about her I mean I don't know much, but I know she died
K= the two toughest things I've ever been through. We're losing Shay and losing her and for the longest time after Anna died I felt like a boat cut loose from the dock just lost nothing to hold onto.
V= yeah, thats yeah, that's pretty much exactly it
K= I don't like to think about how Low a bottom I might've hit if I hadn't gone back to work that's just my take haven't been where you are
V= I appreciate it really I do but the difference is I'm scared if I go back to work I'll see Evan everywhere. It was his work too
K= you can't avoid it that way I'm sorry to say I saw Ana wherever I went to for the longest time but what I saw even clear right in front of me was my crew at 51 always bugging me checking on me and I wanted to kill them half the time, but I knew that if I started to drift, they would hold on tight

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