Meet the mom pt 3

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Stella pov: I am in the common room when I see Kelly's dad storm out of the bunker room  I am wondering what's going on so I  get up and go  find Kelly

Kellys pov: my dad just left my office me and him just never see eye to eye  So now I am going to go clean my head by going to the roof of the fire house. I am walking to the roof I accidentally bump into one of the agents he says sorry and I say it's fine. Then a few seconds later I see Stella comes toward me and the agent. The Agent leaves me and Stella to talk alone.

S= hey I just saw a Benny storm out of here what happened
K= I got into it with him go the guy is so wrapped up in his own ego he doesn't care about anybody else
S= sorry
K= yeah over it

Stella pov: once Kelly walks away I feel so bad for him he wants his dad to be proud of him and not tell him that he could've done better for himself

                                                                     A few hours
Kelly and Matt and the FBI agents are headed off to hopefully catch the criminals that they are looking for. I am Kinda weird about Kelly he doesn't seem like he was in a  good headspace ever since his dad left earlier. But I think he can handle himself
                                                         About and half and hour later
Everything works out for the FBI nobody got hurt. The trucks are pulling back into the firehouse. Kelly hops out and sees me and just smiled at me. Boden tells us to go home for the rest the night and thanks us for staying put and not put it up much of a fight for not really fighting fires today so I go to the locker room and get changed and fix my hair. Once I fix my hair and get ready to grab my coat Kelly comes in
K= hey you ready to go home
S= yeah long day

K= (gives her a kiss ) yes a very long shift

(A few minutes later they arrive home both Kelly and Stella are laughing about a joke one of them said)

S= oh my God
K= there is no feds here, mom is out with Benny
S= oh (kiss him)
J= no she is not
S= is everything OK
J= it will be
K= what's going on mom, what did he do
J= oh well ... he broke it off said he still love me but he wasn't sure he deserve me and that he didn't  want me to get hurt. I told him don't be an idiot. I am not the woman I was 15, 20 years ago but he you know he wouldn't listen said this was for the best you know funny thing is I really think we could've had fun
K= I think this might be my fault
J= oh yeah I know it's your fault honey your father want to come to any of this on his own he cares more about what you think then he lets on
K= i'm sorry mom
J=No don't be don't be you were trying to protect me like you always have and truth is Chicago is a little fast for me right now and now that the church is up and running so I'll be happy to get home
K= i'm glad you came
J= me too honey would you get my purse from your bedroom for me please

Kellys mom then speaks to Stella about kelly 

J= that boy between me and Benny we really did a number on him. Don't give up when things get a little rough. The moods, the women he is his father son
S= sure yeah

Stella pov: Kelly is saying goodbye to his mom I feel so bad for Kelly I think he thinks it's his fault his mom is leaving. Because if he didn't go off on his dad his mom would still be here even though he didn't like his parents getting back together he was just happy to have his mom back in town. After Kelly Kelly came back in after he said goodbye to his mom and I handed him my beer and I offer a kiss. He said thank you but he just wanted to go to bed after this long day. I said OK and followed him into my room we lay down for a few. He fell sleep pretty soon after we lay down and I just looked at him and said I won't give up on you ever and then give them a kiss and went off to sleep

Stellaride behind the  flamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora