all I care about is Stella part 1

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Kelly's pov: I am in the backroom of the firehouse doing something, when I see Stella walking past where  i was. so I see a moment where I can kiss my girlfriend.
K= hey come here

S= what

( he just grabs her. and starts kissing her. they make out for a few minutes and then the bells go off)

S= sounds serious

K= seriously fun


S= hey you better bring that body of your back in one pieces because I got big plans for you tonight


K= oh yea

General pov: the firehouse  get to the scene  of the fire and realize that they are going to war with this major fire. once inside Casey determine that the firefighters  only can use the stairs to save the people from the fire. About halfway through the rescue when Casey decided to tell Herman, Mouch and Otis to go one way and he decided to take Stella with him to go find more victims when cheif called over the radio that detective jay Halstead's dad lives in the building and he wasn't reachable. So they go and try to fine him in his apartment. Course he was not in his apartment and then they have another issue where a mother got lost by get in an elevator and they needed to find this mother. Casey see severide come toward him and they talk about what they have got so far. Once casey walks away Kelly and Stella and my touch each other's arms also giving each other look of be careful out there.

About half hour later Casey tell Stella to go with Herman to clear some more apartments

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About half hour later Casey tell Stella to go with Herman to clear some more apartments. They are clearing some apartments when Stella notices that her air is getting low so she asked Herman how his is doing.
S= hey how's your air
H= i'm good I got a new tank downstairs why are you  low
S= I uh I got a few minutes left
H= alright you know what forget it  this floor is clear let's get below the fire floor
S= copy that
Stella's pov: i'm glad we are getting below the fire for because I don't want to use up all my air since it's getting low and I don't really wanna tell Herman that but whatever. So hopefully I don't use all my air out before I need more of it plus hopefully we get down  to the right floor I can refill my tank. You're so close to the floor had the extra tanks on it when Kelly came over the radio asking for someone to take over for the firefighters that was on the fire for fighting the fire because those firefighters need more air. So I decided tell asking Herman that we will go help him.
S= Herman and I are on 19 will be right there

minutes later we get to the 20th floor and tell the guys that are there to go get some air.

S= Calvary has arrived sit tight Kelly
K= hey Herman, kidd I hate to complain but I got a young boy here
H= this thing is a beast we are coming as fast as we can
K= this is not working I am going to bail out of here
S= Kelly don't do anything stupid
H= Second line is on its way
stella's pov: if you seconds later I realize I didn't have any hair left and then everything went blurry I was trying to grab my mask to get it off of my face but I couldn't and then everything went black.
Herman's pov: I am still holding the hose to fight this fire and all sudden I hear something like a pass alarm going off and I turned around two seconds later and there is Stella passed out and not response so I call into the radio

H= mayday Mayday kidd is down

Kelly's pov: The fire outside in the hallway  isn't quitting anytime soon. I decided to just take me in the kid out the window and do my own like rescue to just go down to a safer floor and try to get them out that way. I do that we get to four below I unhook him make sure he's OK and here comes Saving the day like I trained him to. After he came to the door my heart stopped with what just comes over the radio.

H= mayday mayday kidd is down

I ran out of there superfast go up to the next floor and find Herman over top of Stella

K= hey what happen
H= listen  she ran out of air
K= come on

Me and Herman  drag her down to the safety area. Where we are met by Casey. Cruz and chief. Who helped carry us over to the structure for Brett and foster to take a look at her.

CB= clear out give us some room come on
K= get her up
SB= I got a pulse but she's not breathing bag her
F= got it
H= her air ran out and she just dropped
K= come on Stella

( foster looks over at Herman and see he want to do something so she gives him something to do)

F= start bagging her
H= got it
F= Lieutenant cut her shirt so I can get the cardiac leads on her
K= come on Stella come on kidd
SB=  tube's in let's get her in the  ambulance.
CW= Boden you have done the heavy lifting I'll take it from here go check on your firefighter
CB= you sure
CW= yea go
CB= Severide, Herman stay with 61
K= yeah come on let's move come on
MC= lets give them an escort
F= I will drive
SB= thanks
K= come on

(They shit the doors and start driving toward med )

Sb= hang in there Stella
K= come on Stella stay  with me remember we got plans tonight

( They arrive at med fast and our met at the door by Dr. Choi.)

Sb= it's Stella.... kidd she took in a lot of smoke.
F= she had a pulse but wasn't breathing we intubated hung cyanokit in the rig her co is up 40 %
EC= we got it from here
Sb= thanks for taking over
F= I get it. It's family

( Kelly turn around to ask Herman something)

K= how did you let this happen
MC= hey! severide
K= huh you were supposed to have her back Herman!!!
H= she didn't tell me her alarm went off. She was trying to save you

Kelly's  pov: once Herman said those words. I realized Stella  wasn't caring about her self when her air was running out. That is one thing that I like most about her is she thinks about everyone else before self. So I'm going to go grab some air really quick  and come back and check on Stella.

Herman's pov I feel bad too but after Kelly  yell at me too. And I feel Kelly's pain because he cares about so so much and you can see in his eyes and the way he cares for her throughout the day.  Still is like a daughter to me I should've done something or should've looked out better for her during  this call. So look up to the sky and pray to God that he saves her and hope she's OK.

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