Change is okay

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Kelly's pov: it's been a couple weeks since I helped the family who lived in my old childhood home they all are doing fine Dylan is now getting some sun through the program that April set up. Right now it's shift day and me and Stella walking into work together 

S= so I may have gotten something for the apartment
K= what does something mean
S= something
K= okay let's just start over and you just tell me what it is that's coming
S= nah can't do that or you're rejected the Delivery
K= Stella

Now I'm so curious what she bought but she won't tell me. I want to go ask Casey but before I can still go off for truck 81  to get a call so I just wait until they get back to ask him. About 30 minutes later they get back I trying to Stella but she won't budge so I go and ask Casey also to check on him with his head injury that he suffered during the call 

K= you all  right
MC= just waiting for some aspirin to kick in what's up
K= do you know anything about the delivery Stella  order for the apartment 
MC= delivery of what
K= that's the thing she wouldn't tell I don't deal with change she knows that
MC= well it's her  home too she  probably wants to put her stamp on the place
K= mmm probably
MC= hey uh, you and Kidd if it's time for me to move on and you guys need the loft to yourself  just say the word I promise I'm all good
K= didn't I said I don't deal well  with change
MC= you did
K= all right

Because Casey doesn't know either so either delivery needs to come soon or I can somehow get it out of Stella what is . Later in the shift me and Stella are hanging out in the kitchen when the floater  paramedic comes in. 

K= even ambo for the longest time
S= yes
K= yes
FP= hey did I hear you're taking the lieutenants test
S= sure am
FP= nothing but trouble part they don't tell you about being an officer is you make one wrong call in a fire suddenly guess what lawsuit ask Lyons over in 46 oh that's right you can't ask him because he quit so be careful what you wish for in one of the thing I'm so proud to see a young female firefighters going out to our dreams it's inspiring to those of us who welcome these changes at the CFD hi Sylvie having a little snack attack
K= it goes without saying but ignore him

We get a call to house where a man injured  himself by his gym equipment once we got him rescued and off to med  his wife said something that relates to me and Stella

VW= I told Dalan 1 million times not to put gym equipment in the basement but he wouldn't listen just bought things without telling me now look where it got him

I hope something like this doesn't happen with the things  that. Stella  ordered but maybe I'll try a little harder to find out what it is The next day on shift we get a normal firehouse house delivery but all the sudden they delivery guy had to be rescued by all of us. Once we were able to free his leg from the way it was and get them in the ambulance and after that I decided I do not want something like this to happen to the delivery person that's going to be delivering whatever things that Stella ordered to the apartment so I ask her about it again

K= hey how Big is the piece of furniture you're having delivered to the apartment
S= pretty big actually
K= I don't wanna be rescuing anymore delivery man
S= no promises ( walks away)
K= Stella what is it

I can't believe she isn't telling me let's hope it's delivered soon because I really want to know what is is. We make it do another shift been very quiet right now me and Matt are walking to our cars 

S= you two  need to hurry up all right delivery is supposed to  come anytime between 8 and noon
K= that usually means two
S= yeah this'll be the time that they're  early plus I got to stop by the Academy to get some study supplies so go go go
MC= yeah I got a quick errand to run
S= ah on you then Kelly
K= no not if you don't tell me what it is ( Stella drives away)

Oh my god this better be good. I head home and wait on the thanks Stella  ordered or wait on one of those two to get home.

MC= is the new furniture here yet
K= Service elevator it's  right behind you
S= okay write this way thank you it this way right this way yes yes yes right there's good
K= why did you think I would reject us
S= well you like to keep this apartment all cool and sophisticated and adult but this is a bad ass lock it needs a little fun and since Herman turn  me down for  putting a machine in at Molly's I thought why not
K= indeed
S= yeah I also got the high score on it at game day
K= well I think it's a great idea thank you ( they kiss )
S= well it's not for you it's actually for me to be with you so uh you to play with each other and I will take on the winner
MC= maybe I'll be out of here sooner than you think

I guess I overreacted because what Stella  bought for the apartment was something we all could use and need. Stella is pretty great 

Authors note: sorry this chapter is short but that's all stellaride content  that was in this episode. Also I am very sad that Gianna Mackey is leaving. I didn't believe she was leaving at all. Also how many times does Matt have to say that he could move out and Kelly actually says go ahead and move out because he's not letting him move out like don' you want to  be alone stella.

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