Did i pass the test

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General POV: it's been a couple hours since Stella save Aaliyah and her brother and they are safe now, now it's been a little over an hour since she left the apartment to go take the test, now she is in the scenario part of the test with a couple of the higher up 

S= my first engine drops two lines to the alpha side while my truck a vent in the roof initiate
CC= wouldn't early venting add oxygen to the fire
S= no sir not in this scenario
CC= well the force created by the escaping flames and smoke for exceeds the outside air pressure so the vent hole aids both the search and fire attack teams it's a win win ( higher up looks at each other) then I'd initiate a primary search on two sending squad up with truck simultaneously following 

She continues on talking through some scenarios. With Kelly and Matt they arrive at work together

MC= everything good you barley said a word on the ride over
K= I'm just thinking Kidd's probably on the written portion by now
MC= she's gonna knock it out of the park
K= yeah no doubt

They get ready for shift and the garage sale tht will happen next shift

Kelly's pov: I feel bad for Stella because she didn't have a easy shift before her Lieutenant test, but in the end she ended up helping saving a girl that came from her girls on fire program that didn't stay and her older brother from gang members he got mixed up in. She did amazing to help them. That why she will make an amazing Lieutenant one day. Right now she is in the middle of taking her test and the firehouse got called to a factory fire at a pet supply factory once we were able to save everyone and send them off to med, we cleaned up and headed back to the firehouse once we got back me and Matt went for a cigar

K= Stella should be done by now I wonder why she's not back
MC= I think you're more nervous about all this than she is
K= ah to be honest it's not the test that's on my mind it's it's more what comes next I  wanted to let her focus on making Lieutenant so I've been holding off but I wanna talk to her about getting married
MC= you gonna propose
K= not exactly she always used to say she'd never get married again so I just wanna put it out there as an idea see where she's at
MC= huh
K=what's that mean ( see Stella)
MC= no no nothing I'm really happy for you man that's exciting news
K= yeah thanks ( to Stella) so how'd it go
S= those white shirts are like robots I couldn't get a read on how I was doing at all I might have aced it or completely tanked it I really have no idea
MC= I got a good feeling
K= yeah same
S= I don't know I just kind of want to put it out of my for a bit you know
K= yeah I get it
S= yeah
( walks inside and see the engine coats)
MC= whoa what's wrong with your bunker gear
CR= whoa
K= looks like a chemical burn
H= guys everybody get out of your gear now let's hit the showers and scrub down
S= you guys have an hazmat Capp
K= not that we knew of
MC= what the hell was in that factory

While the engine guys go take a shower we get the chief and show him the jackets

CB= so there was no other signs no smells, no fire discoloration
K= not that I saw
MC= we should alert hazmat somethings not right at the pet food factory
V= oh that happened at the fire
MC= apparently
V= there's not much that can melt vinyl acetone, toluene ( smells it ) hm but my money is on sulfuric acid
CB= why do you say that
V= there's no Oder and sulfuric acid reacts exothermically with water
CB= I'll get hazmat hazmat on the case see if you can scare up some replacements for 51
MC= will do

We all find some replacements gear for engine for the rest of shift lucky it was pretty quiet as me and Matt are leaving the chief stop us

CB= hey hazmat conduct an inspection of the pet food facility
MC= and
CB= no hazardous material appear to be in use on site
K= well some thing melted those coats
MC= wanna swing by on the way home
K= sure
CB= okay good let me know what you find

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