Thinking of my past

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Stella's pov; it's been about 3 to 4 weeks since I officially became the lieutenant on truck 81 it has Felt pretty good to finally have control of something I've work so hard for One of the first things I have to do as a lieutenant was find another fire fighter to be on track and I tried a couple out but the person I end up choosing was Mason the one who Herman and I hope that last year when they met. he has worked out pretty well since he started Right now truck in squad get Carter seen when we arrive

S= just one vehicle involved
W= yeah it was crazy they had to be going 100 miles an hour when they hit that light pole
S= give us some space gave us some space ... ( notice the car) where is the rest of the car
( looks into the car ) hey hang tight all right help is on the way all right squad extricate these two while we figure out what happened to the rest of the car
K= yeah will do a cruz grab the hurst
CZ= copy that
M= not entirely choking to the rest of the car just disintegrate
ML= I think it went that way ( they ran to the left )
S= Hey whoa Gallo Mason you don't get the backboard and the hurst took all right
BG= copy that
S= 61 got another victim
V= copy 61
S= ( checks pulse) she's alive ( she wakes up) just relax OK you've been accident all right( one minute) ETA on that backboard
BG= coming in Lieutenant
S= here we go
BG= Lieutenant this door
S= yeah all right I got you ( holds her hand) what's your name
AD= Adriana
S= pretty name my name is Stella
AD= where are the others
S= there about on a fee away back at the intersection but hey let's not worry about them right now okay let's just focus All right breathing through your nose that's good that's good OK very good going to put a C collar on you okay all right Mason I need your long webbing ( starts to look for it and then Stella gets ready to grab hers )
ML= I got it I got it
S= okay it's okay all right 

We get  Adriana out of the car in bring her to the main area of the crash

S= we got a broken arm lacerations and possible head  trauma
CH= OK 61 take her to Med  I got two more ambulance on the way when will take the body to the corner that it will take the driver (looks for the driver)  where is the driver
EJ= I don't know he was just here
K= we got a runner
Once Adriana was loaded up into 61 me and Kelly started to talk to a cop to fly out what happened and find the driver

OH= The car is registered to Luke Weber it hasn't been reported stolen is this our runner ( shows)
K= no that looks like the DOA in the passenger seat
OH= really
K= yeah you can check with the corner but either way that's not the driver
OH= You guys got what half a dozen firefighters on scene and nobody seen that I walk away
S= hey we were a little busy
K= Look I didn't small bills on his butt the medics didn't think he was on anything he was a little rattled
OH= so what's The story is here if not a DUI they weren't fleeing from police  naughty street ways why are they trying to break the sound barrier on South Kenzie
S= Run of the mill  stupidity
OH= stupidity could get him manslaughter no wonder he ran where did the other survivor end up I'll see what she has to say
S= Chicago med
OH= thanks

Once the officer walks away both me and Kelly go hope the others clean up the scene once it was clean up we had back to the firehouse about 30 minutes later  I go out on the apparatus floor  when the ambulance comes back

V= hey
S= hey
V= looks like the uh woman from the crash is going to be okay
S= yeah
V= Yeah she just has a concussion no internal injuries they're going to keep her for a few days but I think she should be fine 
S= oh goodness she could have had it a lot worse
EJ= no kidding
S= thanks Vi
ML= Lieutenant
S= hi
ML= sorry I kept you waiting on that webbing unacceptable
S= it was just two seconds I wouldn't call it a fireable offense
ML= i'm going to work the kinks out of my system it won't happen again
S= I'm gonna show you a little check that I picked up from Captain Casey you always put your long rubbing in your left pocket All right
ML= that's a great tip I'm gonna set it up way that right now
S= all right ( see A piece of paper on the ground)

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